He never left her alone.
During her and Damon's disastrous marriage, reverse had been the Case. Avery had so much craved the time everyone would leave the house because that was the only time she had peace. That was the only time she put her battered self together.
But now... There is no peace!
Damon is all over her, he never leaves her alone!
She now craves the silence she had then.

She squeezed her eyes shut as those unbearable times started to resurface. "I need to leave" she muttered to herself as if on cue, the door opened and Damon walked in.
"Hey sweet-"
"I want to go home" Avery said interrupting whatever he wanted to say. He froze. He looked both surprised and shocked maybe because this is the first time she was speaking to him after a long while.
"What do you mean" he asked with a look in his eyes she couldn't put a name to.
"I said I want to go home. I'm fine now, I can take care of...."
"You are not going anywhere, you are not yet strong enough to be left alone so you'll remain here" he said with the tone of finality in his voice.
"You can't do that, I can take care of myself or I can go to,some friends for help" she answered back rubbing her now aching temples.

Damon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to tell her he isn't letting her move an inch because he won't let her. She's even hell bent on leaving.
"Look sweet-"
"Would you just stop!" Avery yelled and as a result she groaned as pain shot through her body making Damon rush to her side. Fear gripped her when she realised what she had just done. She already expected the worst from him.
"Don't touch me. I'm okay" she cowered backwards and waved him off but Damon isn't one to obey instructions. He called Gabriel right away.

" your bandages are great, the injuries are rapidly healing, your in good shape but, you'd just have to take a lot of water and enough rest. No physical or strenuous activities. If you would just comply with all these, you'd be perfectly okay in two weeks time" Gabriel advised the little Lady who managed to capture and keep the kings on their toes.
"Okay thank you doctor." Avery mumbled.

"You look pale" Damon observed as soon as he entered the room after seeing Gabriel off, who also prescribed some drugs for her.

He seemed off, his posture and his behaviour said it all Avery couldn't help but observe.

" You care about her A lot" Gabriel stated instead of asking
"I love her" Damon answered back
"I know. I can see it it your eyes. I know what happened to your marriage, I know about your abuse" Gabriel stated again and Damon tensed at this.
He sighed and rubbed his face in distress.
"Gabriel, it's not what you think okay, I deeply regret my actions and her running away from me made me realise how much of a monster I am. I swear I'm a changed man, I even went for therapy" he finished his tone turning solemn at the end.

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