swimming with the squid

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"Can you believe this is our last Sorting ever?" Nicola said, wistfully munching on a lamb chop.

"Thank God," Anadil deadpanned. "I thought this moment would never come."

Nicola put down the lamb, scowling at her friend. "Ani, why do you always have to be such a cynic? It's our last year at Hogwarts, so we might as well enjoy it, right? Besides, the Sortings are always fun."

Anadil scoffed. "You're just saying that because we're seventh-years and you're feeling sentimental. Remember last year, when you asked me to jinx you on the train so you could spend the night in the infirmary instead of having to sit through, and I quote, 'yet another mind-numbingly boring, time-consuming-'"

"Okay, fine, I'll admit, the Sortings haven't always been the most exciting moments of my life," Nicola laughed, her scowl vanishing.

"Understatement of the century," said Anadil. "It's a two hour event where we watch total strangers wear a hat. Besides, it's so irritating that it's the one meal of the year where we're actually required to sit in our houses."

Nicola stared at her. "Oh my god."

"Hm?" responded Anadil.

"Ani, you're practically the opposite of being subtle."

Anadil frowned in confusion. "What in the world are you talking about?"

"Come on," said Nicola, giving her friend a knowing look. "It's so obvious why you're upset about having to sit in our houses. You don't have to hide it."

"Hide what, Nic?" she asked nonchalantly. "The fact that I think it's stupid that the professors try to enforce separation between the houses, because it just causes more conflict?"

Nicola rolled her eyes. "No, the fact that you're only this annoyed because you're not allowed to sit with your girlfriend."

Anadil glared at her friend but couldn't disguise the light pink blush spreading across her pale face. "Hester is not my girlfriend," she said slowly. "We, um... haven't exactly put a... label on it yet."

Nicola let out a snort.

"Besides," Anadil continued, upper lip stiffening. "Don't be a hypocrite. We've all noticed your fixation with that Hufflepuff boy. I'm sure you'd love to be sitting with him right now."

"Hort and I are friends, Ani. Not every interaction I have with a boy means I'm head over heels in love with him. And stop changing the subject! We were talking about you and Hester."

"I'd prefer it if you stayed out of my love life."

"I'd prefer it if you actually told me about what's going on in your life for once so I didn't have to continuously make guesses-"

"Guys!" Agatha interrupted. She glanced around the Great Hall and turned back to the girls, lowering her voice. "Can you please stop bickering? Everyone's staring."

Her friends turned to face her.

"Sorry, Agatha," Nicola responded sheepishly. "And, um... Ani, I'm really sorry for invading your privacy with Hester. I didn't know it upsets you so much when I mention it."

"You're forgiven," Anadil said coolly. Her expression softened. "And for the record, I'm sorry, too."

Agatha exhaled heavily. "Good," she said. "A couple of hours into the school year and I'm already having loads of problems. Can't handle yet another lengthy and overly dramatic argument between you two."

"Hey, Agatha, what's going on between you and Tedros?" asked Nicola. "I could tell there was lots of tension on the train, and I heard something about you two arguing in front of the first-years..."

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