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"Hunter, there you are- woah, are you okay?" Blake was cut off when his brother stormed into the base, battered and bruised and with a limp, though he headed straight for Cam, ignoring his brother and the other three rangers.

"Pull up surveillance from the beach two hours ago," Hunter demanded.

"Hi to you too," Cam grumbled, though doing as he was told. "Wait, Zurgane attacked you? He must've jammed our signal. And you didn't call for backup?"

"If I could've I would've," Hunter eyed as Blake and the others gathered around the computer, Blake handing him his Morpher back.

"How'd you get by, then? And how come we didn't hear of this?" Cam continued.

"Just wait," Hunter commented, and as if on cue, the white ranger appeared on surveillance.

"What?" Shane questioned.

"No way! Another Ranger?!" Dustin exclaimed.

"A white ranger..." Tori commented.

"And she totally kicked Zurgane's butt," Blake added, looking at the screen in awe.

"An Ice Ranger, is that even possible?" Cam questioned.

"It seems so," the group turned, facing their guinea pig master. "It was thought that the Ice Academy was destroyed, and that no survivors came out of it." At this, both Blake and Hunter looked away. "Though it seems we were wrong."

"You're saying there might be more survivors?" Cam asked, at this Blake rose his head.

"I'm not sure, Cam. Though we should look into that," Sensei spoke, jumping over the group and standing before the computer.

"Hear that, bro? She could be alive, who knows if that's her as a Power Ranger?" Blake rose a bit, hope glistening in his eyes.

Hunter, however, glared him down.

"She's gone. Just drop it." He hissed, shutting everyone up. Hunter stood, and stalked out of their hideout.

"What's with him?" Cam had to ask with a risen brow.

"Long story," cut in Shane, them all looking out to the exit.

"I'll go talk to him," Blake spoke, standing.

Jaiden paced inside her apartment, scrambling to grab her phone. Dialing the only number she knew, it rang three times before he picked up.

"Jaiden, hey. You settled in yet?" She eased at hearing Tommy's voice on the other end.

"Yeah, yeah, the apartment's great by the way, thanks for the view." She said, looking out to the shoreline just five flights below her.

"Nothing but the best for you." Tommy commented back with slight sarcasm.

"Hey, uh, you remember how I told you about my two friends, from the Thunder Academy?"

"Yeah, um let's see, what were their names..."

"Blake and," Jaiden paused, "and Hunter."

"Right! Blake and Hunter! What about them?"

"Well, they're here."

"Here? Here as in Blue Bay Harbor, here?" Tommy sounded just as shocked as Jaiden had been to see Hunter.

"Yeah," she let out a sigh.

"Have you gone to the Wind Academy yet? I've sent notice of your arrival but they haven't gotten back to me yet." Tommy explained.

"I was planning on stopping by tomorrow, but something seems off." Jaiden crossed her hands over her chest, having the phone between her ear and neck.

The Ice Ranger (Power Rangers Ninja Storm- Hunter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now