19 (7th anniversary special)

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Nani!?!? Almost 700 reads! With 100 reads on my first chapter! Thank you sooooo much! Please give me some suggestions for this book since this book is kinda where I just write something and call it Gucci. Also BTS's 7 year anniversary! So because of this special occasion I am going to be making a special for this special day. I started this chapter on May 12 and finished it on June 5 I wasn't working every day since even during this pandemic school has to be so mean 😭 I had three projects all due this week and assigned this week. Anyway sorry for the complaining and I hope you enjoy this +1,000 word chapter!

(If you are reading this story on a site that isn't Wattpad please come over to Wattpad to read my story as it is stolen to be placed on the site you are reading it off of)


As the guys were training I decided to do a little shopping for them as I knew for sure their kitchen was most likely empty. I held a basket in my right hand and a shopping list in my right as I went down the aisles. This was my way of supporting the boys. I would get anything they needed, and at the same time balanced my studies.

Insta noodles- check

I probably should have gotten another basket or even better a cart, but I couldn't since I wasn't in a grocery story and instead a convenient store. The shop owner noticed my problem and since I was his only customer at the moment he decided to ask me if I needed any help.

I brought the basket of insta noodles to the register, and he held onto it as I grabbed another basket that was soon full with other necessities.

"Thank you." I said as he rang up my items

"Your welcome, Miss." the male said as he continued with his work

Soon I was out of the convenient store and on my way to the cramped apartment. I knew the guys wouldn't be there any time soon so I used the extra keys they gave me to let myself in. When I got in I immediately went to the kitchen to put away all the things I bought. I soon found myself cleaning their apartment.

I had always found cleaning therapeutic,and whenever I was nervous or stressed my body just started cleaning. I was throwing dirty clothes into the washing machine, whipping down tables, making beds, and straightening shoes. Once I finished everything I left the apartment and locked the door behind me, leaving no evidence that I was there other than a clean apartment.

- Time Skip -

I was getting ready for bed after studying the things I learned in class recently when I received a text. The ding of my phone broke the silence of the night that I had to see what it was. It was a text from Hoseok. I opened the message...

Are you okay? What is stressing you out?

He knew me so well. I mean we knew each other since forever.

I am good just I have school stuff I am worrying about.
Don't worry about me Hoseok 😊 focus on your career!

He knew I was worrying about a lot more than school, but decided to not dig any further

Hope ☀️
Thank you, for everything
The guys also say thank you for cleaning.

I am glad I could help 😁
Get some rest Hobi. I know you need it.

Hope ☀️
Will do. Good night to you too! 💚

I turned off my phone and soon was drifting off into dream land.

Lost in the Crowd (Hoseok x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα