"I'm leaving Ferrari." He blurted the words out, instantly feeling like a weight was being lifted from his shoulders. He'd been thinking hard ever since Monday, ever since painting her bump with face paints to replicate his race helmet, ever since he'd taken those photos of her in the garden and seen how happy she'd looked, ever since he'd seen his baby moving in her belly. It wasn't just Monday that had made him think about his future; it had been lurking in the back of his mind for a while, ever since the shooting, and every single moment they'd shared together since then, no matter how big (like finding out he was going to have a son) or how small (like spending time snuggled on the sofa watching tv), every moment had brought it more and more to the forefront. That combined with the endless talks with Mattia and seemingly going around and around in circles, not getting anywhere beyond a one year deal, feeling like the focus in the team had begun to swing towards his younger teammate as the team looked to their longer term future, had got him to the point he was at now. It was getting clear that both his and the team's focus were heading in different directions, in spite of his desire to still win the driver's and constructor's world championships with them.

"You're what?" Chloe gasped, the air was suddenly sucked from her lungs and she felt dizzy. Instinctively she gripped onto the top of her chair as her head spun and her legs felt as though they were about to give way beneath her. She felt sick and as though she couldn't breathe, she could see three concerned Sebs in front of her, talking to her but she couldn't hear a word he was saying. Then she couldn't see him at all, everything simply disappeared......


She could feel soft fingertips tenderly stroking over her forehead and cheeks, occasionally running into her hairline and hear a soft voice murmuring German words soothingly to her that she couldn't understand. A pair of warm lips placed a loving kiss to her forehead and a familiar intoxicating scent filled her nose as she came round and her senses returned. She could feel a hard floor beneath her behind, her back aching and a strong pair of arms cradling her against a firm warm body while she could also hear the rain hammering against the window. She opened her eyes, immediately squinting as the light assaulted them to find herself looking up at the handsome face of her husband. "There's my beautiful girl." She could hear the relief in his voice and feel it as he gave her a gentle squeeze and kissed her forehead again. "You had me worried for a couple of minutes there." He brushed his lips over the spot he'd just kissed. "I wasn't expecting you to react quite like that." He added with a nervous chuckle.

It hit her all over again and she sucked in a huge breath, making him look down at her with concern once more. He's leaving Ferrari. Her mouth went bone dry, she swallowed and then licked her lips, wanting to speak but not really knowing what to say, too shocked for any words to come out. He's leaving Ferrari. Holy shit. She blinked repeatedly as her mind began to process those three words. He's. Leaving. Ferrari. Her body reacted to his news in the only way it seemed to know how to react to anything since she'd been pregnant, she started to cry and then a banging headache started to set in, one she knew would turn quickly into a migraine.

"It's not as bad as that is it?" Seb asked worriedly as her tears rolled back into her hair and she covered her face with her hands, he'd really not expected her to react like this. He'd expected her to be a little surprised but to maybe have half expected it, he expected her to ask him if he was sure that this was what he wanted, to ask him what he planned on doing next, what it meant for their future and to say that she fully supported him no matter what he did. He hadn't expected her pass out from the shock of it and then to burst into tears, he hadn't expected her to say absolutely nothing. He continued to look down at her, baffled by her response, as she swept her hands up into hair and gripped onto her head. He knew what this meant and he sprang into action, easing her from his embrace to sit upright so that he could run to the kitchen to fetch her a glass of water and paracetamol.

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