"Hell yeah!" My sister shouted then handed the shake to Ella

I feel awfull as i looked at Ella's face

Well thats the consequence and we all agree to that

My cousins also do their dare and now its my sisters turn

'Act crazy in front of people in public'

"Thats easy!" She exclaimed

We are all excited

But at the same time im worried. Its already 9:30 I dont think that its safe to go out there

"Hey everyone dont go somewhere else without all of us okay? Its not safe there" i told them

"Okay ate Sam" they responded

We all headed to the car and my sister Samara is the one whose gonna drive because its her car that we are using.

They also bring the bowl of dares

We reached the store then we all go in immediately

"There act crazy in front of that cashier!" Anastashia said while laughing

"Fine fine!" Samara said

My sister did a great job when she act crazy in front of the cashier

She also got the guards attention

We are about to kick out but i explained that it was just a dare so they let us stay

After my sister's dare we decided to eat ice cream first then proceed to my dare

I picked the last piece paper in the bowl

My eyes widened in shock as I read the dare

'Kissed a random stranger in aisle 6'

"Wait what?!"

This is not happening right?

"Ohh a kiss! And it has to be in the lips!"

"Are you serious?!"

"Kiss or the shake? Choose." My sister looked at me firmly

They all knew me that I dont give kiss that easily

My sister is excited cause she know that im gonna choose her shake than kissing someone

"Fine lets go to aisle 6"

"Ow yeah!"

"She really choose the dare!"

"No way!"

"So basically if theres no one in aisle 6 i dont have to kiss someone in the lips right? I asked

" Well yeah"

I just hope that there is no one there

"There's a guy! Kyahh!"

Well i guess i really have to kiss someone tonight huh?

"The guy is freakin' hot!"

"Go and kiss him!"

I sighed

Here goes nothing

My hands are sweaty as I walked towards the guy

I just hope that he's cool with this

I am currently standing behind him

My sister gave me the go signal

My hands are shaking as I pulled the guy's shoulder to face me then grab his neck and kissed him on the lips

It was just obviously should be a smack but the guy cupped my cheeks and deepened the kiss

His eyes were shut the whole time

Looks like this guy is enjoying the kiss huh?

I smirked

I felt that he stopped for a second but still decided to continue the kiss

I gathered all of my strenght then stepped him hard on the foot as hard as I can

"Fuck!" He exclaimed as he let go of my cheeks then looked at me shocked

"That kiss is just a dare" after I told him that I walked towards my cousins

"The dare is done lets go back home" i plainly said

We are heading to my sister's car

"That guy is hot! I will just enjoy the kiss if I am ate Sam"

"Poor guy pft"

They are all talking about the guy while we are walking towards the car

I am the last one to go in the car

I was about to go in when someone grabbed my wrist

I was shocked when i met those cold stares

His deep hipnotizing gray eyes matches his handsome face

"I really love the smell of your blood and I enjoyed the kiss" the guy said with a smirk in his face

"Let go" i boringly said

"Yeah sure" he said

I am about to open the door's car when he grabbed my wrist again

"What the--

"Youre mine now Beatrice"  he said then let go

A kiss in aisle 6Where stories live. Discover now