3. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐢 𝐀𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢

Start from the beginning

"Such a wonderful bond, I envy you."

Those words left his mouth, all of a sudden. Your muscles tensed up a little, forcing your undivided attention towards him, you stared at him, confused and inevitably paranoid of what's about to come.

His eyes lift upto you, uttering out.

"I want it too."

Before you could blink, a number of threads swing both your and tanjiro's way, in order to dodge it, you hastily moved away, and that's what he wanted. You realized that, a bit too late. All you could hear was tanjiro calling out your name, as your vision flips upside down, swiftly pulled upwards, your limbs being restrained from moving, it hurt.

You let out a scream, droplets of blood flowing down your face, losing the feel in your hand, the sword tightly clutched into your fist flounders.


"Shut up." From what you could hear, more attacks were send towards tanjiro. Attempting to shift your arm proved to be futile. Only managing to let out another scream of agony.

"Let y/n go!!" Tanjiro shouts, dashing towards the demon, sword up and ready to strike. Even though, it was fragmented.

The sound of blood slashing, drawed your attention, strenuously looking down, your heart clenches, red liquid escaped out of tanjiro's wounds. For a second, you stay still, but Rage washed over you quicker than you thought, mindlessly you started to shout.

"Don't hurt him!! Let me go you monster! I'm gonna kill you!!" The demon boy's eyes gaze up at you, not a facial muscle moved, He stayed completely emotionless.

"Do not say a word." He mumbled, putting his finger on his lips to further cement that in your mind.

"You don't tell me what to do-! Agggh--" abruptly, the threads wrapped around your limbs, tightened, to the point, it felt you were going to suffocate and die any moment. The warmth of your blood, streaming down your skin was almost comforting.

"Rebellious aren't you?" He said, a tiny grin grazes his lips. "I can train that.."

"Stop!! She isn't a toy!" Tanjiro yelled, clenching his blood stained injury. He grits his teeth, furrowing his eyebrows. "You can never forge a bond if you force it!!" He shouted.

"What do you know? You know nothing." He continued. "Give her to me and I'll spare you. Isn't that what humans are best at? I won't kill you if you just leave her to me." He said.

"No way in hell am I ever going to leave her with you!!" Tanjiro yelled, picking up his shattered sword.

You couldn't breathe properly, the world before your eyes was suddenly starting to darken. You couldn't give up.

But it was hard not to fall unconscious due to blood loss.

'I'm a failure, I couldn't even land a hit on him before I was rendered useless.'

'I'm a weakling.'

Your head throbbed with pain, temporarily opening your eyes for a moment, you were laying face down on the rigid ground, a little too numb to move. In a distance, laid tanjiro exhausted and injured, but still alive. You could not find your voice to speak up, your body quakes everytime you move a muscle, reminding you that your wounds were severe.

Taking in a long breath, you close your eyes, weaken and extremely uneasy.

"Y/n.." hearing tanjiro's voice, you opened your eyes, looking at his struggling body, trying to reach you.

"Are you.. okay?" He choked out. You just nodded, relieved that your friend was still breathing and the fight was over.

"I'm.. sorry.. I couldn't help.." you utterly out strenuously. Gazing at him with pleading eyes.

"No.. no don't be.. sorry."

"But-!" You gasped.

Meeting your eyes with that of a demon, who stared down at the both of you, in a state of shock and bewilderment, tanjiro turned around. Words immediately swallowed down.

"Aw, poor little thing. You thought you killed me?" He mocked.

"Now then, I'll be taking her as a payment for your defeat. I've had enough of you." Instantly, something pulled you away from tanjiro, dragging you far away. "Y/n!!" Tanjiro shouted, reaching out to you.

"No stop! Let her go!!"

"Certainly not, she's mine now."

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