{ 🏃 } ᴇxᴇʀᴄɪsᴇ

Start from the beginning

"Are you going to be fine?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine" you gave a small smile.

Nope! I take it back! I'm definitely NOT fine!

You ended up jogging instead of walking since they we're going too fast for you.

You wheezed and placed your hands on your knees.

"I can't... No more..!"

Sweat trickled from your forehead to your chin. You catched your breath as the others left you completely.

Iwaizumi wasn't able to check on you since Oikawa was being himself.

You wiped the sweat off your face and looked up at the bright sky, wising that you shouldn't have come with them in the first place.

Deciding that this will be the last jog you'll ever have with them, you started jogging once again but in a slow pace.

"Damn athletic peop-"

You stopped on your tracks as you heard grunts coming from a dark alleyway.

You looked away, trying to ignore the fact that you heard them.

None of my business. None of my business. None of my business. None of my-

"Help.." said a low voice coming from the same alleyway.

You gulped, trying to ignore the growing curiosity deep inside you.

What should I--

And before you knew it, you were walking towards your doom.

"(F/n)! Oi (F/n)!" Oikawa called out.

After Shintaro noticed that you weren't behind them anymore, he forced Oikawa to look for you.


She must've given up.. Oh well, I'll just tell the others that she went ho-

His thoughts were cutoff when he passed by an alleyway.

"A-Ah.. S-slow down"

He stopped as he heard a low voice coming from there. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he tried his best to walk away and pretend he didn't heard that.

"H-how did it even fit in here?"

His heart sank as he heard a familiar female voice from the dark alleyway.

(F-F/n)?! Please don't tell me it's you in there! He thought.

"I-I can't get it out, i-it's too tight"

That's when The Oikawa Tooru decided to march in that alleyway to see what in the world was happening.

Nothing came out of his mouth as he saw the scene in front of him. His throat went dry as he couldn't think of anything to say.

There is (F/n), her back facing Oikawa while she was crouching down in front of a male with broad shoulders. Oikawa couldn't see the man with her since she was covering him.

STUPIDITY 🏐 HAIKYUU CAPTAINSWhere stories live. Discover now