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"(F/n)-san, is it okay if we go to the convenience store first?" Daichi asked.

Looking at him, you answered : "Yeah, we still got a lot of time in our hands anyway" he grinned.

This is a new routine for you on weekdays, where you and Daichi walks to and from school. Sometimes Sugawara and Asahi would join and sometimes it's just the two of you like today.

It was a cloudy morning. There were only a few students walking at that time. The world looks dull to you because of today's weather.

Upon arriving at the convenience store, Daichi lets you go in first before following. Cold air hits your face as you got in the store.

"I'll be right there by the counter" you nodded.

You quickly walked towards the magazine section. Yesterday, they published a new volume of your manga.

Your eyes scanned on each page of the book, searching for any mistakes that you've made.

You clicked your tongue.

"Tch, the screen tone here is dull. Mitsuki's eyes are too large in this page. Sōta is super sparkly in this, I need to tone it down a bit. Oi, they spelled Mochirin wrong. What the heck is Muchi-san doing? They made a lot of mistakes and misunderstandings here--"

"Ehh? You're reading that crap?"

An irk mark appeared on the side of your head. You looked behind you to see a male towering above you. Why do I keep on meeting tall people?

"Hah?" you asked with a hint of annoyance.

"I mean, there's a lot of mistakes in that manga" he said.

"I think it's the editor's doing"

"Nah, I think it's the manga artist' fault"

Ngh.. He's super annoying..

The tall man before you is wearing a school uniform you've never seen before. They have a mustard colored tie, dark green colored blazer and gray colored pants.

You glared at him, as he glared back at you.


Daichi bought meat buns from the counter. One for him, and one for you.

"So you're with her again" Ukai smirked at the volleyball captain. "I've been seeing you two a lot lately" Daichi blushed a bit.

"I-it's nothing like that, Coach"


"I'll see you later at practice, Coach!" he said before leaving to get you.

As he arrived at the isle you're in, he flinched.

You were having a glaring battle with another person.

"Hah? This art style is good. Unlike your hairstyle"

"What did you say, Shrimpy?"

"I said your hairstyle sucks" you smirked.

What is going on here?

A murderous aura is surrounding the two of you. Luckily, there are only a few people in the store at that time.

"(F/n)" you flinched as you heard Daichi's voice. You looked back, seeing Daichi having his own terrifying aura.

"Don't pick fights with others!" he said and grabbed your head gently.

"Gomen.." you grumbled.

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