This is not good

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Chapter 4
Scarlett would almost have to go back to Hogwarts. This week was her only chance to see Draco. She wouldn't get out of Hogwarts once there, so she had to do something. Today.
Scarlett went outside and disapparated.

She was standing in front of Malfoy Manor. The gate was closed, but Scarlett was always allowed to come over, so it would swing open for her any second. But this time, it didn't. 'What the hell..." Scarlett whispered. She wove her wand in attempt to be seen. The Malfoys got alarmed if someone was there who was trying to get in. And yes, only few seconds later, Narcissa was standing in front of her. "Scarlett, are you here again? I'm sorry, but haven't I been clear enough last time? You can't come here anymore. And especially not today. We're busy, you see. I'm sorry sweetie" Narcissa was about to close the gate again, but Scarlett stopped her. "No! You're always busy! Have I done or said something wrong? I don't understand why I can't visit your family anymore."Scarlett knew better, but Narcissa obviously didn't know what Draco told her. "Listen, I'm sorry. I'll explain you later." -"Can't I please come in? Just for a minute or two?" Scarlett saw Narcissa was hesitating. "Please Narcissa, I won't stay." -"There's no one inside." -"That's okay. You'll be there". Narcissa sighed. "Okay then, but not longer than 5 minutes." Scarlett nodded and followed her.

"Could I get some water?" -"Of course" Narcissa replied and off she went. Everything was going as planned. Scarlett creeped up the stairs, trying to make no noise. She was about to open the door of Draco's room as she heard voices and laughter coming out of the room behind her. "Scarlett! Wait!" Narcissa was running towards her. Scarlett turned around and quickly opened and closed the door behind her.

But instead of finding Draco and his father, she saw a large group of people sitting around a table. They were all looking at her. Some were even smiling at her, but not in a way Scarlett liked. The first person she noticed was Draco, who was sitting somewhere in the middle next to his father and Alexander, a guy from Ravenclaw. Wait.. Alexander was a death eather?!
Draco was looking at her. He gave her this 'this-is-not-good-' and this 'please-don't-let-this-be-true'-expression and shook his head. Scarlett looked around and suddenly realised who they all were.

Death eaters, with Voldemort sitting in front...

The dark side [Sequel to 'Only love can conquer fear']. (DracoMalfoyLovestory)Where stories live. Discover now