Nothing's As Sweet As Super Soldiers In Love (Stevebucky)

265 2 2

Rating: Teen and Up Audiences

Author: heartsdesire456

Word Count: 12715


Informally titled: Bucky Barnes Loves The 21st Century Almost As Much As He Loves Steve Rogers

"Captain America's mystery lover! That's what everybody's talking about."

Bucky turned around as soon as he heard 'Captain America', only to see Tony had on some entertainment news report and his latest photo of sleeping Steve was flashed up on the screen beside the person talking. "Hey, what's that?" he asked, hopping over the back of the couch to land beside Stark.

"Your Cap lovin' gone viral, I guess," Tony said, turning up the volume.

"Rumors spread like wildfire with the first photo of Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, was posted to a comically named Instagram called 'GodBlessAmerica36'."

You can read it here!

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