Once we got out of our hand cuffs we put the stormtroopers in the cell Ezra gives me his lightsaber and a gun.

"Be sure to put it to stun" I ordered.

Ezra nods as we put our settings to stun and we see two stormtroopers run and we both shot them. But then we see chopper roll to us. He peeps telling us that was rex and Kanan.

We Took off their helmets to shake them awake as they groan in paint.

"What just happened?" Kanan asked

"Oh um" Ezra stutters "did you see them?we were so outnumbered there was a firefight, I big one actually you guys fought great." He lies.

"Thanks. All I saw was you and Gamora" Kanan replies. Then chopper shows them what really happened. I swear one day I'm gonna kill that droid. Kanan glares at us. "You shot us! I can't believe you both shot us."

"What do you expect? You were dressed like stormtroopers" I told him.


"You shot us." Rex laughs.

"We set it to stun" Ezra said to them.

"Yeah we'll, you should've used kill"

"What?" Kanan exclaimed in shock.

"Well, just in case it wasn't us I mean..

Kanan groans "this armour doesn't protect you from anything."

"Well, I told you."

"Bow's not the time. We gotta find sato ans sabatoge this ship. They have this gravity weapon thing that.... you know all this" I explained.

"So what's your plan?" Rex asked.

"Well, we should probably split up, Ezra and I will take chopper, and he can get us to the reactor that powers this thing. You two bust out sato."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa." Kanan stops me "We are not splitting up. Let's get sato and get out of here."

"Gamora's right. We have to desist his ship" Rex speak up.

This became and argument quickly between those two."Do you knew how many stormtroopers are heading this way?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Can't afford to separate."

"We have to protect the fleet"

"Will you two quit it already?"I shouted in frustration"part of the reason I took this mission was to get a break from this" I pushed Rex and Kanan away from each other to get through. "Okay chopper, Ezra and I will met you and satos ship"

Ezra and I continued walking "I never seen you angry before"

I glared at him "normally I'm not, I'm mostly frustrated. They have been arguing for weeks and warned them what would happen. But how's not the time to discuss this let's move."

Chopper, Ezra and I ran in the halls without being seen until we foun the reactor core.
"That must be it" I told them. Then chopper beeps saying he has a plan.

"You have a plan?" Ezra ask as chopper tells us we're the bait "okay we'll draw them away. Most of the time they ignore droids anyway"

The. We ran in side as they spot us and we used out light sabers to block the shot until I realized we were floating. Chopper turned off the gravity.

"This wasn't part of the plan" I shouted

Then chopper tells us he's putting gravity back on "don't you dare!" Ezra shouts. "Don't do it not yet" but chopper didn't listen as he turns off the gravity I land perfectly as Ezra struggles to get up I helped him "thanks"

"No problem."

Ezra glare at chopper "you better sabotaged it"

Chopper beep saying he thinks he did "what do you mean "you think you did" then we ran in the halls trying not to get shot by storm troopers I turned on my comms "Kanan were on our way back where are your?"

"We're headed for satos ship"

"Got it" I turned off the comms "let's move" I turned on my lightsaber and so did Ezra as we ran.

We ran until we found the others we see Kanan who's just standing there "we sabatoged the reactor, let's get out of here" Ezra says.

I looked to see Rex not here "where's Rex?"

"Get sato and his crew to the blockade runner" Kanan tells us.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

Kanan groans "I've gotta get my friend" the. He leaves us. I smirked on what he meant.

"We can't get through" sato says still shooting " where's Kanan going.

"Don't worry. I've got this" i told him as I ran in the halls seeing the stormtroopers as I ran up and knocked them all out and the rebels followed me until we got to the ship.

We got in the ship I see no Rex or Kanan anywhere "where's the others?" I asked.

"Kanan ordered us to go he said he has another way out" Ezra tells me. As we began to leave

I heard foot steps from behind I turned and saw Kanan and Rex.

"You're alive!" I said hugging Rex and he hugs back.

"I am, Thanks to Kanan" Rex replied looking at Kanan.

Kanan rolls his eyes and asked "You sabatoged that thing right"

"Of course we did" Ezra answers before looking at chopper "right chopper?"

As were about to go on hyberdrive we were caught again by the thing "chopper! You said you sabatoged it" I exclaimed he beeps telling me to wait for it "what do you mean wait for it? Wait for what?" Then I looked to see what chopper did as the ships get closer.

"Choppers rugged their own weapon against them it's pulling everything in" Ezra explains.

"Including us" Kanan exclaimed.

We watched as the ships get destroyed setting us free and our chance to escape.

"Gentlemen, and lady" commander say spoke " my crew and I owe you our gratitude all four of you."

" thanks commander" I thanked before looking at Ezra "you did good today"

"Thanks Gamora I learned from Kanan"

I chuckled "you know"I put my hand on his shoulder "if Kanan ever need help training you I'd be happy to. I've done it with my daughter for fifteen years. But Kanan lucky to have you"

Ezra smiles "Rex was Right, your not like other Jedis, your better" he then goes to talk to sato.

I shook my head I walked to see Rex and Kanan saluting each other. I smiled "aww you two are finally getting along" I tease as Kanan rolls his eyes walking way from us. I walked up to rex putting my arm around him. "You did amazing today"

I can see Rex blush "well, all I pretty much did is put on this armour and man it's pretty tight" he replies trying to pull on the armour "it's probably not gonna get off me"

I smirked As I leaned in his ear "maybe when we get back I can help you take it off" I looked at him with a huge smirk on his face as I walked away from him.

"Wait, you mean now?!" I heard rex shout as I smiled still walking away from him.

A/n: yeah i went  there.

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