1 - Collision

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I lay there, on the ground, viewing a sea of flames. People are being swung around by --------. Dead bodies everywhere I look, their arms or legs crushed off by the impact. I can't feel my legs nor my arms or my body. Is my body still intact? The only thing I can do is think. 

I thought of my adventures, my friends, my foes, everyone I got to know along this journey. How peaceful it was back then. It was so . . . fun. 

I can feel my consciousness slowly start to fade away. Tears start clouding my eyes and dripping down my bloodied temples. I can feel my end nearing. 


I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing my ears off. I remain on the bed, trying to find the motivation to get up and continue on. I have to go to work in less than 40 minutes. I've been living this redundant life for the past 2 years. Wake up, eat, go to work, get home, eat, go to sleep. 

I rub my eyes with my hands to stop the blurring. With a big sigh, I sit atop my bed, trying to be conscious of all the sore body parts. I stand up and quickly stretch to loosen my muscles. I check my phone to see what the date is. I have a meeting coming up on the 25th and today is the 19th. I haven't even prepared anything for the meeting, I need to start soon. 

As I walked to the bathroom, I almost trip over a pan on the floor. Fu- My God. It happens every morning. I always trip over something and having a chicken coop of a house doesn't help. 

 My kitchen isn't big enough to fit my kitchenware so I stacked them on the floor. 

Actually . . . my whole 'house' is very small. It's a 150 square feet space containing my tiny bed, kitchen, and bathroom. This already costs a ton, at a whopping $1200 per month. 

I am basically living paycheck to paycheck. My savings are on the brink of running out. However, I am grateful that I at least have a roof over my head, unlike the millions of people living on the streets. 

With 15 minutes left before I am late to work, I rush to my run-down car, get in, and drive off. It is unusually quiet outside today. Normally, people would be protesting, rioting, or screaming. I like this silence though. It reminds me of the car rides my dad would take me on when I was a kid.

The view wasn't any better even when I recall those times. Still dusty and no greenery in sight. The world looks dead and lifeless. But truthfully, we aren't doing any better either. We are slowly dying out along with other species. Soon, the world will cease to exist. It will just be a floating rock in the universe. 

I park my car and get off. I checked my watch and see that I have 5 minutes left, so I quickly dash to the elevator. 

After I get to the elevator, I see my coworker and best friend, Fran. 

"Hey, Fran!" I shout out to him. He notices me and waves back. He starts walking towards the elevator and I hold it for him. 

Geez, I wish he'd walk faster. 

"Hurry up dumbass." 

"Okay okay! What's up with you today?" He asks, out of breath. 

Fran is sort of a burly man. He is not particularly muscular, but he looks like he is. He is just a fatass. We've known each other for 5 years, so we are friends from high school. As corny as it sounds, I love this dude. He is my best friend and I couldn't imagine a life without him. He is one of the reasons I wake up in the morning. 

"I just know I am going to get it from Giorno. He always has something against me," I complain to him. 

"Yeah, I've noticed it too. He always glares at you doesn't he?" 

"Mhm, I don't know why. But anyway, congrats dude, aren't you getting a promotion soon?" I dab him up. 

"Hehe, yes. It's all because of you man. You helped me with my workload. I love you, dude." He smiles brightly. 

"Ugh, ew. Nah, it's fine," I tell him as the elevator dings, signaling that it is my floor. 

"Okay then, adios." I say as I get off. 

"Yep." He says back. 

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't jealous he got a promotion. He now makes 2 times more money than I do. His house is about 600 square feet and he has a pretty nice car. I think he mentioned that he's looking to marry and start a family soon. Nonetheless, I am happy that things are going well for him. 

I should worry about myself now. Today is going to be a long day. With a sigh, I walk to my table. 


I scan my ID to clock out of work. It's 7 pm now and I am so exhausted that I can sleep on the streets. I barely make it to my car and collapse on the driver's seat. I sit there for a good 5 minutes before I drive to get back home. As I drive, I recall what happened today. 

Giorno, my irritating supervisor, did not fail again to publicly humiliate me for a small spelling error in my report. That man is the vilest human being I have ever met. He shouldn't even be called human. Something more like demon matches him better. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. I think of all of the things I could have said as a comeback, but would ultimately cause me to get fired. 

I try to get the memory out of my head and concentrate on making it home so I can lie on my bed. I pull up to the parking lot and park my car in my designated spot. I check that everything is closed and secure. There are a lot more cases now of people breaking into cars and stealing belongings. I don't have anything in my car, but some people do it out of spite. 

I get inside my house, remove all my clothes, wash up, and crash on the bed. Soon after, I get a call from Fran. 

"Hey what's u-" 


"What?" I ask confused. 

"Check the news now!" He shouts on the phone. 

"Ok, ok," I say as I switch channels and see what is on the news. My eyes widen as I read "Breaking news: galactic collision that happened thousands of years ago creates a new planet in the universe." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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