There were no more doubts in her mind and there certainly wouldn't be again, not today.

Papa was on his way to Chicago. He won't find out what she's doing, there's absolutely no way. She's going to have an amazing day doing what she's always wanted to do, then when it's over, she'll go back home and she'll act as if it never happened.

"So since we're going to be spending the day together, I need to know more about you, Princess. I mean, you know things about me, things I really wish you didn't, so it's only fair."

"Okay, sure." She nodded, her mind beginning to think of something to tell him, something that wouldn't be too personal. The last thing she needed was for this boy to know something he shouldn't. Then again, he did know where she lives. How much more personal could it get?

"Well, I live with my Papa in the cabin that you broke into."

"Where's your mom?"

"I never got to meet her. Papa says she died when I was born."

"Damn... It's just me and my dad now too, unfortunately."

Eleanor grew a bit concerned at the mention of his own situation, wondering why exactly he didn't have a mother, but she didn't know if it was appropriate to ask.

She decided to keep quiet, silently walking along with him, until she realized that she was sweating a little bit. Of course, she'd had that happen before when it would get a little too hot in the cabin, but not this much and it was seriously grossing her out.

"Is it always this hot outside?" Eleanor huffed, gathering her hair up in her hand to let the breeze hit her neck.

Mike glanced back at her, softly shaking his head. "Maybe you wouldn't be so hot if your hair wasn't so long. Seriously, why don't you cut it or something?"

"No!" She nearly yelled, the thought of doing such a thing making her want to cry.

"Why not?"

"Papa finally decided to let me grow it and I don't want to lose any of it." 

Mike looked over at her, a bit of confusion on his face. "What do you mean, he 'let' you? It's your hair."

"He used to buzz my hair off." She shrugged, as if it were no big deal, though it would always be a big deal to her. If she lost all her hair now, well she might just have a full on breakdown.

"Did you want him to do that?"

Eleanor didn't respond at first, but figured there was no harm in telling him. So, she shook her head no, smiling sadly up at Mike.

"Well, that's messed up... Shit, okay, tell me something else about you then, something less depressing."

"Okay. Oh! My birthday's in a week!"

"Alright, see that's something good. How old will you be?"

"Eighteen!" She told him, any sadness from before now gone as she happily jumped up and down. "I'm so excited!"

"I can see that." Mike snorted, once again shaking his head at her. "Do you go to school?"

"No, I was never allowed to."

She'd always wanted to go to school, but like most things she wanted, she couldn't have. She used to have lessons with Papa over the basic things she needed to know in life, but once she'd turned thirteen, he told her the lessons were no longer necessary.

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