papa knows best

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"Hey! Kid! Stop right there!" Mike heard the burly police officer holler out, before he took off running down the crowded sidewalk. 

He didn't dare look back, afraid it would slow him down. He only clutched on tighter to what was in his left hand, not wanting to drop it along the way.

He ran, pushing himself to go quicker, his lungs surely hating him at that point. He suffered through it though, because he simply had no choice. He wasn't getting caught by the police, not today. This was far too important for him to not get away with, so he'd run through Hawkins all morning if he had to.

And it seemed that's exactly what he would be doing, as minutes passed and he found himself still running. He turned to go further away from town, off down a road he'd never stepped foot on before.

He could hear sirens off in the distance, meaning that he was now outrunning a police car. That made it a little more difficult considering he could only go so fast on his own two feet, but he wasn't one to give up.

Mike pushed himself to go even faster, faster than he'd ever ran before. He didn't even know it was possible for his legs to move at such a rapid pace, but he was thankful that they chose this moment to do so.

Despite how fast he was moving though, the blaring sirens began to get closer, causing him to panic a little. Another car had joined in on the chase and they were both starting to close in on him.

Here he was out in the middle of an endless open road, with the police on his tail and nowhere to run to. Surely, today would be the day he would fail to get away.

At least that's what he thought, until he noticed the vast area of woods surrounding the beaten road.

Without giving it a second thought, he took off running into the woods, not caring where it led him, just as long as it was somewhere out of sight.

Thankfully, the further he ran, the more the sirens belonging to the two police cars started to fade off.

He didn't want to let his guard down just yet though. This was the third time that week they'd tried to chase him down, so he knew that they weren't letting him go that easily.

He figured it was safe to slow down his pace just a bit once he'd gotten far enough away from the road, allowing his breathing to finally even out.

A couple of minutes had passed of his walking through the woods and he was beginning to think that he had gotten away with it, but as his luck would have it, the sound of sirens suddenly came out of nowhere. He couldn't tell which way they were coming from and didn't really have the time to figure that out.

He needed to hide somewhere, just in case they were coming his way.

Mike cautiously walked a little further, until he spotted a small cabin right there in the middle of the woods.

The closer he got, the more he noticed how abandoned it looked. The place was nearly falling apart, with no cars or people in sight.

It was the perfect hiding spot.

Eleanor's morning had gone just as it had the day before, only today she had a little more pep in her step.

Her birthday would be here in exactly one week. Seven days and she would finally be eighteen years old. She had never felt so much excitement over anything before.

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