"Yes." Lilly answered jokingly. As they walked closer to the Exodus ship, she asked, "Has anyone buried those two kids that died during the landing?"

"No, and I have a feeling nobody will. We should probably do it, huh?"

"We should probably collect their clothes, too. Share it with anyone who needs to change." Lilly suggests. Wells nods in agreement and the two make their way up to the upper section of the dropship to collect the dead boys.

By the time both boys have been brought outside, stripped, and buried in marked graves, Lilly and Wells were sweating and exhausted. Her dark hair was disheveled and her shirt is caked in sweat. Wells' shirt is also covered in sweat and his face is dripping with the substance. Both of them consider changing, but find reasons not to. I'm not wearing something that has been on a dead body for almost twenty-four hours, was Lilly's thought process. It might seem a little pompous, but the idea made her think of how disgusted she felt when her clothes were covered in Austin Roberts' blood.

"Should we...say something?" Lilly asks cautiously.

"What do we say?"

"I don't know. I didn't know them well." She thinks for a moment and realizes, "I didn't know them at all, actually." But someone on the Ark did, and she could imagine what they might go through when they hear about the boys' deaths.

"Let's just have a moment of silence. That seems appropriate." Wells looks down at Lilly who nods in agreement. So, they stand there until they feel they've paid enough respect to the dead boys, despite the fact they died because of their own stupidity. They didn't stand above the graves for very long, having other things to get done before nightfall.

Approaching the dropship with the clothes, Lilly sees Atom—a delinquent that had been sitting on the crates when Lilly wanted to climb her first tree—walking down the hatch in their direction. "Hey," he says, "where'd you get the clothes?"

"We buried the two kids who died during the landing." Wells answers.

"Smart. You know—," Atom reaches the grab the clothes Lilly is holding, "—I'll take it from her. There's always a market for—,"

"No." Lilly snaps, backing up a step. "We share based on need."

"Just like back home." Wells adds.

Behind Atom, Bellamy Blake and his aggravatingly perfect, shirtless chest exit the dropship with a girl. The gun he'd had last night was peeking out from the waistband of his jeans, keeping the majority of the brunette's attention as he approaches. When she's able to move her gaze, Lilly notices his hair is no longer slicked back, but rather fluffy curls. Lilly couldn't deny, his haircut and the freckles made him very attractive—not to mention those abs. Yum.

"You still don't get it, do you, Chancellor? This is home now. Your father's rules no longer apply." Bellamy told Wells, breaking Lilly's trance which didn't go unnoticed by the Blake boy. He looked at her analytically and said, "Hi, Monkey." With quick movements, Bellamy reached forward and grabbed a shirt from her arms before she could even begin glaring at him for using the nickname. That, mixed with what happened last night, she stepped forward ready to punch him harder than she already has. Atom put his arm in front of her, stopping her in her tracks, but Bellamy stopped him. "Oh, no, no, Atom." He said causing Atom to slowly lower his arm. "Atom, hold up."

"You want it back?" Bellamy asked sweetly. He watched Lilly with an amused smirk as he held the shirt out for her to grab from him if she dared. "Take it."

Before she can even begin to consider what he had in mind if she were to take the shirt, Wells turned and threw the clothes from his arms to the ground in front of some of their peers. They rush for the clothing to fight for it without a second thought. "Is this what you want?" Wells asked, directing his question towards Bellamy. "Chaos?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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