Luca made his way to the older and started to try and find a way to grip on  so that he can pull him out, settling on the hem of his jeans (top of the jeans like wear you tuck your shirt in?)

"WhAt'Re YoU dOiNg StEpBrO" Luca giggled as he slapped mattias ass "haha very funny, you gonna help me now or what" mattia said as luca continued to giggle.

"Alright on the count of three.. one.. two.. thrE-" mattia barely even finished the word as he was then yanked backwards, the force causing mattia to be pulled all the way through the window, landing on his ass.

"I said on three jackass!" He said as he looked at luca, a big ol' shit eating grin on his face as he shrugged his shoulders. "Sowwy".

Mattia scrambled to his feet and the shorter was already out the door, REEing as he zoomed down the hallway.

He slammed his door and let out a little chuckle 'dumbass' he then landed on his bed, letting out a little 'umph' as he did. He took off his beanie and tossed it somewhere, same with his shirt, shoes, and jeans. He then got underneath the covers and got comfortable, a ding coming from his phone. He sat up and looked around, his phone was in his jeans.

He groaned as he got up and made his way to the piece of clothing, grabbing it and quickly getting back in bed since his room was freezing. He looked at the notification and saw it was a message from 🦐⛄olaf⛄🦐


What does he want?

He unlocks his phone and taps on the message, his stummy churning from the curiosity.

What he then saw, he didn't expect

(Please don't make fun of my photo shop skills please & thank u)

(Please don't make fun of my photo shop skills please & thank u)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Having fun rn, hbu matti boi??

Mattias heart dropped, like really dropped, all the way to his ass type dropped. He couldn't believe it, he had to look at the picture for a couple more seconds before he turned his phone off.

He felt as if he was gonna be sick as he threw the device to the side, getting back under the covers as he tried to get comfortable again.

He snuggled into his pillow before letting out a deep sigh, his eyelashes fluttering shut as his breathing slowed.

As he was on the brink of passing out, reality then started to sink in.

Kairi really didn't need him

Kairi left him, left him for someone else

He left mattia to drown in his own emotions

He left mattia to question his own feelings

He left mattia

And the hardest part is..

He was able to do it so easily

Mattias eyes started watering as his mind kept repeating those words, over and over again. A single tear fell from his cheek and onto the pillow.

Then, he was able to relax.

His mind finally going blank and he felt all the tension flow away from his body.

He was finally able to calm down

He was finally able to let go

And just like that

He drifted off to sleep

Poor boy didn't know what was coming to him

He didn't have a clue in the world

That this isn't gonna be the last night

This isn't gonna be the last time he lets go

He's gonna have to get used to it..

But he's not complaining ~


Its officially 12:20 am and i made this doody chapter just 4 y'all

Shootout to ahumanwithbrain
Because they guilttriped me into making this

But i hope you enjoy reading this and just a heads up mattias gonna go full blown rawr XD up in this bitch so :/
Watch out for that

Anyways hope you liked it


~"you so bad, and baby i want you so bad yeah"~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें