~Chapter 2: It's Too Easy to Tease Senra~

Start from the beginning

Shima laughs at that, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. He spreads his arms out and signals for Sakata to come hug him.

"Again, sorry to intrude. SOMEONE was getting worried that his prince hasn't come to get him yet." Urata glares at Sakata again. Urata walks over to Senra and gives him his hand to help him off the ground.

"Don't act like you weren't a little worried too!" Sakata retorted while resuming his run over to his prince and practically leapt into his arms. "Were you okay sleeping here Maashi? Did he do anything to you? Or worse...did you do anything to him?" It was a long night without the other, and he wanted to be absolutely sure Shima was safe! Senra seemed nice and everything, but one could never be too sure.

"Thank you Urata." Senra smiled appreciatively towards his knight and heaved himself off the floor. "You didn't intrude on much, I apologize for oversleeping. That is unlike me."

Shima held Sakata close, like mother holding her child. Which was basically their relationship, because the two were so close.

"I'm fine, Sakatan. Nothing happened, and everyone is ok. All we did was sleep together and not in a bad way," Shima explains to Sakata while playing with his hair. "It's nice to know that you were so worried about me though."

Urata nods and looks back at Shima and Sakata. "Those two sure are close," Urata points out while rolling his eyes.

Sakata beamed brightly and felt himself forgetting the presence of the others in the room momentarily as if they were off in their own world. "Of course! I have to be! If I lost you I'd have nothing left..." He shook his head and puffed his cheeks up with air like a fish, and deflated them just as fast. "You're also a trouble maker! You worry me a lot." Sakata ended his dramatic display of emotions with a sigh.

Senra approached Urata from behind and draped his arms around the knights neck, clinging to him. "Why don't you act like that with me? I want to feel loved like that!" The prince whined and clung tighter.

Shima gushed at the speech. He clings tighter to Sakata and rubs his head on the other's. "You are so cute! I swear I'll protect you even if it costs my own life!"

Urata rolls his eyes at his prince's antics, but makes no move to get away. "Because I'm your knight and not your child. Plus, I'm older than you so I really couldn't be your child. Nor am I old enough to be your parent."

"Isn't that my job?" Sakata questioned, giggling and fully accepted every bit of affection given to him. "Ah! We didn't come here for this!" Or so he only now realized.

"You are absolutely no fun, you know?" Senra pouted, resting his head on Urata's head and sighing. "You should really loosen up a little. My tsundere knight~" He teased, trying his best to get more of a reaction out of the male than just his boring self.

"Might as well have since the only thing you came to do was check up on us!" Shima says. "And I'm glad you did! Seeing your face in the morning always makes me have a great day!"

Urata rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry, your highness, but do you really want me to have a different personality or are you fine with this one?" Urata loved Senra, platonically, but sometimes the prince could be a real hassle. And now the other prince and knight seemed to be worse and Urata is slowly regretting ever becoming a knight.

"Uwaa Maashi you're so cheesy~ But me too!" Sakata rose his hand in the air as he spoke to accentuate his point. "I'm never sad whenever I see your face in the morning!" By this point, they were just a pile of mush.

"I just want you to relax and live a little~ That isn't so hard. You're all rules and blah." Senra pulled away from Urata and cringed to himself. Then, he remembered something very crucial he had forgotten during all their conversing. "Oh no- Did we miss breakfast? Do you think we can still sneak something from the kitchens or should we just skip and eat later?" He was reminded when he turned his head slightly to the side and noticed exactly how bright the sun was outside.

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