A Boyfriend?

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The school day had finally finished and the students of J.Y.P high were now free to go home and enjoy the rest of their day.

Chaeryeong had been walking out the school searching in her bag for her a book to read on her way home before she was startled by the feeling of a warm hand tapping her shoulder. "Oh, s-sorry to startle you b-but can I please talk to you for a second" a somewhat tall male had asked the girl as she shyly nodded walking over to talk to the guy.

"oh, umm i'm Taehyun" Taehyun had introduced himself to the girl who was becoming suspicious. "I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" the boy had asked Chaeryeong as she had just froze. It wasn't that she wanted to say no, she could admit the boy was cute, but what about Ryujin?

"Umm, sure" Chaeryeong agreed as Taehyun's heart had done about a thousand back flips in a matter of seconds. "Thank you, ho-how does the movies tomorrow sound?" Taehyun had asked as Chaeryeong had nodded "C-can I get your number then?" Taehyun had asked taking out his phone putting in Chaeryeong's digits in but little did her know that a certain girl was watching from far away.

Ryujin had left the school a little later then usual and was holding the book in her hand with confidence. Shin Ryujin was not going to back down and was going to finally ask out Chaeryeong...

well at least she was going to.

Ryujin had spotted Chaeryeong from far away and tried her best to make her way over to the girl passing by students left and right. But once she had spotted Chaeryeong talking with some guy she hid being a small wall and watched the two talking.

It had only been a while before she had noticed Chaeryeong put her phone number in the guys phone as the feeling of envy had quickly taken over in her body. It was almost like steam was coming out her ears watching the two smile with each other.

Just as Taehyun was walking away from the girl Ryujin had quickly made her way home trying not to get caught. The feeling of heartbreak was falling over her body while she walked home. And to make matters worse..

it started to rain.


"A boyfriend? so she's straight, shit I thought I had a chance" Chuu sighed as Yves slapped her head making her rub it, while Ryujin on the other hand had a black cloud above her head. She was more gloomy than ever and the fact that earlier today she had seen Chaeryeong and Taehyun walking together this morning didn't make things any better.

"Oh, sorry" Chuu apologized as Ryujin had taken in a deep breath, raising her head up and giving the table a small smile. "It's okay, if she doesn't want to be with me then it's fine" Ryujin said as the table was just full of tension. "Yeah, it's her loss anyways. Plus there are so many people at this school that would want you 10 times more than Chaeryeong" Lia reassured the girl " Trust me, you'll be ok" Yeji continued patting Ryujin's back as the girl smiled.

But truly on the inside Ryujin was dreading the tutor session this afternoon. 


It was now time for another session but with all the things that had happened in the past 24 hours Ryujin wasn't in the mood. 

The blue haired girl had made her way into the library with her face gloomier than ever, but she quickly put on a smile seeing the iconic girl waving towards her. She then made her way to sit down next to the girl taking out the book she had kept with her for a while."H-here you left it" Ryujin handed the girl the book who happily took it hugging the stack of paper almost freaking Ryujin out.

 "Thank you!, I was looking for this everywhere!" Chaeryeong had thanked the girl side hugging her making Ryujins face turn pink from the body contact as she scratched her nape "n-no problem" she replied as Chaeryeong then took out the work sheet papers. While she was doing this Ryujin had taken a deep breath trying her best to let the words come out about what had been on her mind all day.

The Tutor { Chaeryujin } - itzyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora