Prologue ~ Cracked

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***WARNING*** This book may contain trigger words and scenes. Please read at your own caution!

It was many years ago. The four Diamonds had complete authority over the milky way galaxy. Conquering many planets for their own personal gain. Yellow Diamond was chief commander over all the armies and colonies per planet. She was fierce, strong and had a horrible temper. Although only when provoked to become so. Still her calm yet determined aura frightened those beneath her. If anyone dared to cross the line she used her power (a blinding light similar to lightning) poofing anyone who stood in her way.

A gem had well their gem and through that a physical body made up of light. That was all they needed to survive. But if placed in a bubble, reforming was impossible. Yellow made sure of that when a certain gem was more disobedient than the rest. Jaspers, Peridots, and Amethyst gems were her main servants and solders. Except for one Pearl(every Diamond had one), Yellow Pearl. She was her second in command. No one spoke to Yellow Diamond or gave any reports without going through the Pearl first.

Blue Diamond was more diplomatic, so to speak. Giving warning to all those who would soon become an inconvenience to any development. Unlike Yellow she had a more calm and collected demeanor. Elegance glowed throughout her court which was mostly made up of Sapphires(those who can see into the future) and Ruby solders who protected them. Though not having a strong as a temper as Yellow, she tortured her enemies by attacking their emotions. Sending each one paralyzed and crying deep blue tears. Though mainly affecting gem kind, others caught in her powers were still paralyzed through her poisonous aura. Her Blue Pearl stayed quiet and submissive. Similar to Yellow's Pearl she was Blue Diamond's head lady-in- waiting(or Pearl in waiting so to speak). No one went to Blue without going through her Pearl, unless told otherwise.

But one Diamond stood above all the rest. The Radiant, all powerful, and feared among all.

White Diamond

She was beautiful and her appearance remained pure. However in her heart she was the most cold hearted Diamond of them all. All other gems where under her, including Yellow and Blue. She answered to no one. If someone wasn't perfect, she would dispose of them. If any gem were not perfect, well her only way to get rid of them was simple. Shattering. A gem being shattered would be the end of their life. They would die and that was that. Gems lived for many of thousands of years. but that was all thanks to their life source that is their gem itself. White Diamond would not tolerate anyone who dared defy her. But some gems feared her power more than shattering.

A strong blinding light, a beautifully haunting melody, color fading and trapped in there own mind. White's power was complete control. Making others beneath her do her bidding. White Diamond took pleasure in making other gems suffer. Especially her Pearl. However she didn't need a Pearl. But only took the littlest of the Diamonds Pearl as punishment. The only Diamond who pushed her to her limit.

Pink Diamond


Smaller in size than the others, and quite the troublemaker(Her tantrums so impactful they cracked her first pearl. An imperfection White had to get rid of.... or use). Although the Diamonds were feared, they were in command and knew what they were doing. At least so it seemed to the rest of the gems on HomeWorld. So they accepted the Diamonds reign for protection and guidance. They were a symbol of royalty, power and leadership. White ordered Blue and Yellow to do whatever they could to keep Pink in line. Even if it meant to hide her away for a thousand years.

Pink Diamond had the mind of a young child. She was curious about everything and desperately wanted to be like the other Diamonds. In charge and conquering other planets. But they knew she wasn't ready for it. Yellow felt the most pressure from White and although had a deep hidden compassion for Pink, stayed distant. Blue however was more open and lenient. Feeling empathy for her youngest sister(as they would sometimes address themselves as such). She allowed Pink to sometimes get away with certain things, like breaking a tower and destroying good soil for new gems to grow. Plus much more. Yellow had to pick up the mess along with Blue, though it almost never went unnoticed by White. Who punished them for it every single time.

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