Chapter 23: Chance

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“Can I get 2 large black coffees?” Chance asked whilst pulling out his wallet, “What?” He looked up at the barista, her eyebrows were raised and so Chance repeated, “ 2 large black coffees.”  The barista smiled condescendingly, “Do you mean venti?” Chance put his hands down on the counter and leaned forward, “No, I mean large.” The girl laughed and shook her head, “Venti is large,” Chance laughed back then retorted angrily, “No, venti is twenty. Large is large. In fact, tall is large and grande is Spanish for large. Venti is the only one that doesn't mean large. It's also the only one that's Italian. Congratulations, you're stupid in three languages.”

At that moment, Jessica rushed up from the spot at the back of the shop and smiled genuinely at the girl, “Two ventis will be fine, thank you so much. The girl glared at Chance for a few lingering moments before she turned her head and called over her shoulder, “Two black ventis.” Chance continued to glare at her until Jessica forcefully pulled him away from the counter.

“Do you have to pick fights with everyone, Chance?” Jessica shook her head and sighed, reaching into her purse and digging around for nothing in particular, simply ignoring the harsh mood Chance was obviously in. He knew that Jessica didn’t like this version of himself, the snarky, overly sarcastic version. He forced himself to calm down quickly, in fear of upsetting Jess further. He gently reached out and lifted her chin upwards, pushing the red hair that had fallen in her face, out of the way in the process, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking. I overreacted,” As much as Chance didn’t want her upset, he didn’t quite understand the problem. As long as he was treating Jess with respect and love, he felt that he should be allowed to display whatever attitude he wanted. Jessica smiled at the apology and Chance vaguely recalled that he had never once apologized to Cass for his behavior towards anyone else but her.

Chance knew that was simply because Jessica was sweet and kind, she was soft-spoken and gentle. Cass was anything but that, with her harsh words and loud opinions, Chance never had to worry about offending her with his day to day actions. Jess was different, and he loved it, but Cass was still his Cassandra, he had loved every insulting comment that fell from her lips, respected every illogical and biased opinion; he had loved how she felt secure enough with him to really open her mind to him, let him see the reality of her life. Cass very rarely sugar-coated things, but with Jess, every word was smothered in honey.

“Two black ventis,” The barista called out in a condescending tone. Chance felt himself bristling and Jess saw it too, she stepped in front of him, grabbed the carrier the coffees were snugly tucked into, and dragged him out the door. It was nearing March, the cold still stung brightly whenever it touched skin. Chance reached out and pulled the coffees from the cardboard carrier, allowing Jessica to throw it in the trash outside the door. He handed her the cup in his right hand and she sighed as the warmth spread across her palm. She closed her eyes and pursed her lips, blowing gently towards the opening in the lid.

Chance couldn’t help himself, he leaned in and kissed her soft mouth, reaching his free hand up to cup the side of her face, pulling her closer. When he pulled away, the look of happiness, the one he cherished so thoroughly, stretched across her face, making her look impossibly more beautiful. He pulled playfully at a crimson curl that was dancing near her face, “I was thinking that maybe we could take a trip. It is nearing spring break.” They had been together for more than five months now, not an overly long time, but Chance’s whole life had gone by quickly, this was no different. Five months felt like an entire year to Chance, especially with Jessica.

Jessica smiled and grabbed the hand that was playing with her hair, pulling him lightly from the front of the coffee house, where inside the barista could still be found glaring at them through the glass. “That sounds lovely but,” she nibbled at her bottom lip, “Where would we go?” Chance stopped again and pulled her hand up to his mouth, kissing the white, cold skin of each knuckle, “Anywhere you want.” Jessica blushed wildly, her face flushing as red as her hair against her pale complexion.

She pulled her hand away and began walking against, a look of consideration played with her features, “Somewhere warm, for sure. Some place I’ve never been,” she smiled, “Somewhere with a beach.” Chance thought of Jessica sprawled out on warm sand, her red hair fanned out against a clean white towel, her only background, the water and a setting sun, he was eager to make this image a reality. “Georgia?” She asked, arching an eyebrow. Chance nodded, “I’ve been there before but, why Georgia? If you don’t mind me asking.” Jessica laughed and replied, “It simply meets all of the criteria, of course. I’m nothing in not logical,” she gave him a semi-serious look which caused him to laugh. Chance wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer as they walked, “Whatever you want, it’s yours.”

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