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So...I FINALLY GOT A CHANCE TO LISTEN TO SUBS OVERNIGHT! Sorry I was kinda excited because my bestie and other people use them overnight and the results come faster, but when I have the opportunity I give into sleep and forget- I have to save up for air pods though because I like moving around and my earphones could come out, surprisingly they didn't. I listened for 3-4 hours which is perfect :D 

Results: The.Un.Even.Ness.On.My.Legs.Are.90.%.Gone. They're so clear :D My lips feel smaller for sure, so does my head. My hands look brighter and smoother, basically more feminine. If you grew in North Philly you would understand why your hands are rough🗿. My legs are almost stick too REEEEEE! They're just still a little to squishy, but give it 1-2 more months I think they should be good :D My hair. Bruh I- I listened and my hair is back to almost how straight it was when it first got straightened. When I tried to put it in a ponytail yesterday it was a mini struggle. I brushed it with EASE today and it went into a ponytail with 99.9% no problem. Just tiny loose curls at the bottom. I'll show pictures in my official week 2 results, I just was too excited so I wanted to today. I don't know how I look facial wise because no mirror challenge.


Height- 5'0 1/2! I'm close to being 4'11 again!  Used to be 5'1 1/2

Waist- 25'' Used to be 27.

Head- 7'' Used to be 8!

Feet- 9 1/2. No difference.

Hands- 6 1/2 Used to be 7 1/2?!


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