Chapter 1: The Interview

Start from the beginning

I shook my head. "Absolutely not, I was with him through the whole process of these charges going on. I was with him when he disappeared, and I was actually apart of the whole thing with him"

:So you didn't say to him are they true?"

"No I didn't. Because for i didn't believe them in the first place. I knew that he didn't do it. And two, i know who he is and I know that he would never do anything like that."

She nodded."Okay first I want to clear the ground rules for the viewers. You said that you are not afraid of any questions, so I wanted that understood by everybody. I think I want to begin by making sure that the terms are clear. You have said that you would never harm a child, I want to be specific as i can. Did you ever and this young bot said you didn't. Did you ever sexually engaged, fondled, or had sexually contact with this child or any other child?"

Way to be specific. I thought to myself.

"Never ever." Michael said slowly." I could never harm a child or anyone. It's not in my heart. It's not who I am.And It's now what...I'm not even interested in that."

"What do you think should be done to someone who does that?"She asked.

"What do i think should be done? Gee, i think they need help, in some kind of way, you know."He said.

I think they should just burn in hell.

"How about the police photographs, though?" i rolled my eyes. IT was still hard for me to even talk about the hell we went through with that trail. And with her asking questions about them just made me extremely uncomfortable."How was that enough information from this boy, about those kinds of things?"She asked.

"The police photographs? That they took of me?" Michael asked getting a little serious."There was nothing on those photographs that could match me to those charges."



"There was nothing that they could prove to say that he actually did that."I said.

"That's why I'm here talking to you today. There was no iota of information that could connect me to those charges. "

"There was no match up."I said. "The picture was printed this big."I said as showed her with my finger and my thumb."Compared to how the match up was actually suppose to be."

she began asking more and more things about the charges and soon I just started tuning them out because I really didn't want here it.  Then she began asking him a question that caught my attention."......what is a thirty six year old man doing sleeping with a twelve year old boy or a series of them."

"Okay,"I said. Holding my finger up at Michael."First of all, He had never once slept with that boy or any other kind of boy. I mean that's ridiculous. And that's a ridiculous question. "

Michael chucked."She's right that is a ridiculous question. But since you want to know I'd be happy to answer it. I have never invited anyone into my bed ever, well besides liyah, but she's my wife and that's her bed as much as it is mine. Children love me, I Love them, they follow me, they want to be with me, It's something I just can't control."

After that I began tuning them out again until they actually were fully done with that part of the interview. Then we went on a little commercial break so I could take a breather and then rush off some of the irritation I had going on. After the break I loosened up a bit as she started on the next question."We have a wedding video of the two of you and I'm gonna let you tell us a little bit about what we;re seeing here if our director wants to roll it we will take you there, ten years ago, right?"I nodded."Just about exactly."She said.

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