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SIPPING ON A JUICE BOX, Mirko stood with a hand on her hip beside her close friend, Keigo. The two soon to be Pro Heroes were bored out of their minds after just finishing school.

Mirko's eyes lit up when a girl with H/C, H/L hair came into her view, standing in front of the vending machine beside the bus stop, debating which beverage she should purchase.

Keigo could tell something— or rather someone caught his bunny friend's eyes, he look up from his phone and leaned closer, looking at the direction Mirko's eyes focus at.

"Which one, which one?" Keigo asked eagerly, elbow nudging Mirko's arm, she replied, not moving her eyes from the H/C haired girl. "The one with H/C hair!" She whispered.

Keigo's brows lifted, now staring at the girl Mirko mentioned, she is, indeed, gorgeous. But Keigo find his eyes trailing to the one beside her, a black haired man with burned skin on few parts of his body, Keigo faked a cough and look away, not wanting to stare any longer in case a blush creep up.

"Looking at her uniform, she must be from South High." Keigo said, nudging Mirko once again, "Get her number if you want to."

Mirko nodded, pushing up her already rolled sleeves since it was falling, her palm slapping Keigo's lightly. "Wish me luck!" Mirko smirked, walking towards the girl.

Keigo silently cheered for his friend from behind.

Keigo leaned on one of the street light pole, watching his friend, his expression went from excited to deadpan when Mirko came speed walking to him with a red face.

Mirko place one hand on the street light pole to support herself while the other covered herself, she groaned. Keigo look down on her,

"...Didn't get her number?"


"At least tell me you got her name."


Silence took over them before Keigo let out a monstrous laughter, clutching his school uniform as tears escaped his eyes, Mirko's eyebrows twitched and she glare at the man whose feathers begin to fall one by one due to his laughing.

"You went there for what exactly?" Keigo wheezed as he hugged his torso and bent over, hitting the street light pole with the side of his fist.

"Shut up bird brain! You don't get it! When she flashed that smile at me my brain stopped functioning alright?!" Mirko defended herself, still with a red face from the previous event, she could care less about Keigo or anyone laughing at her failed attempt, but that girl's smiling face just won't let her beating heart calm down.

Y/N nibble on her lip, body bent down a little with her finger moving from one button to another on the vending machine, not sure which drink she should get. Coffee? Soft drinks? Maybe she should get—

"Hi!" A confident voice interrupted her thoughts as she stood straight, a girl with white long hair stood before her. "Hello." Y/N gave a smile, eyes lingering on the soft looking bunny ears.

The confident smile was gone in an instant, Mirko's lips parted but no words seem to plan on getting out, her face was getting redder and redder. "I..." She trailed off.

Y/N tilted her head in confusion, a small pout on her lips as she think of what could that stranger want from her. "Pardon...?"

Mirko turned swiftly and marched away, leaving the E/C eyed girl with question marks forming on top of her head.

And that is how their first encounter went.

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