Part two, Madoka's start

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Chapter one

'Entry one: break in went south.

Hey diary it's me again, Madoka, a friend, my brother and I went to break into a house that we thought was abandoned but guess not as some creep was living there, we broke in using a sledge hammer and the guy must've heard as he walked in, he said the break ins always happened at his place. He talked a lot of nonsense and the last thing he said as I was leaving, was pretty scary..what did he mean that my brother will disappear?' "Madoka! Dinner is ready!" 'Well have to go, mum's calling me down.'

Madoka Shimada a 19 year old collage student, lives in a family of three, she, her brother and her mother, her father had felt the family due to a "business trip" he had never been home since.

Madoka closed her dairy and ran to the dining room, her mother had placed down two plates of food. "Mum aren't you gunna eat?" Madoka said sitting down. "Oh don't worry about me I already ate!" Madokas mother smiled. Madoka's brother yuno sat next to her already eating everything on his plate. Madoka's family suffered a lot since her father left, her mother was only there at night to cook for them as she was needed every morning to noon, sometimes madoka skipped meals just to let her mother eat something.

"Yuno don't eat so quick, you won't feel full afterwards." Madoka said patting her brother on the back. Yuno stopped eating and looked at her. "When can we see the strange man again? He was really nice!" Yuno said smiling with tomato sauce dripping down his face, Madoka's mother looked at them worried.

"Madoka who is he talking about?" Her mother's hands slammed down onto the table, the look of regret washed over Yuno's face.

"We met some guy at a place we thought was abandoned, he lived there." Madoka said pushing around her food.

"Madoka's mother grabbed her arm and pulled her up checking her body. "Mum calm down he didn't touch me at all, he just told us to leave and gave us advice."

"Ad..vice? What did he say?"

"He all he said was 'take good care of him or he'll disappear.'" Madoka's mother looked her in the eyes.

"He gave you some good advice, you should listen to it if your going to take your brother out." She let go of her going to the bathroom.

"Hey sister! Can I have your chips?" Yuno's voice was somehow happy again.

"Yeah sure...also, maybe tomorrow we can visit the strange man again." Madoka said smiling at Yuno as he took away her chips.

Yuno struggled to put on his bedtime shirt "sister I need help!" He said nearly on the verge of tears. "Yuno take the shirt off and wait for me to help." Madoka said buzzing coming from the bathroom. Yuno took his shirt off and huffed, he stood at the door waiting for her to come out and help, Madoka always helped him as his mother went to bed early. Madoka finally left the bathroom and looked around the room spotting Yuno on the bed holding his shirt.

"Alrighty get up big man." Madoka said, Yuno giggled got up, running towards her giving her the shirt. "Watch me Yuno, you put your head through the big hole and your arms through the small holes." Yuno listened putting on his shirt correctly for the first time.

"There ya go, you did it! wanna get a cookie?" Yuno nodded and held her hand, she left the room holding his hand, something felt off, the darkness of the hallway was clearly not the same as before, a shiver went down her spine as she turned to Yuno, "Yuno, I'll get you a cookie but do not leave the room, if someone knocks don't let them in until I come back." She pet him on the head and left closing the door.

Yuno sat on the bed hugging his teddy he smiled widely knowing he'll get a cookie tonight, he stared at the light from under the door waiting for Madoka to return. As he looked closer he saw someone's shadow behind the door and he was about to get up to open the door for whoever it was until he remembered what Madoka had told him, he got scared and covered himself in a blanket waiting for whatever it was to disappear, it wasn't long until Madoka came back but to him it felt like years.

"I got your cookie, why are ya hiding?" The sound of the door closing shut was enough for him to take the blanket off, he was shaking and looked at her, "I saw a shadow waiting outside the door!" She turned to the door and stared, something was really off about tonight. She gave him the cookie and tucked him into bed, he ate the cookie quite fast, she stayed up for abit being protective of him, nothing weird happened throughout the time she was awake so she finally calmed down and laid next to Yuno. She woke up late at night and rubbed her eyes, she heard the noise of the bed moving, she looked up, seeing the room dimmed by the night light, Yuno had gotten up and out of the bed and was headed for the door.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked, He flinched and looked at her. His teddy in his hands.

"I'm going to mummy's room." He said giving Madoka a big smile.

"Okay well if you see anything scary run back here alright?"

"Alright!" Yuno left, chills went down her spine but she shook it off, nothing would happen to him. Right?

Sunshine hit Madoka's face as she woke up and yawned, stretching her arms out, she got up and headed to the bathroom, she stood at the bathroom door about to touch the handle, she felt the need to check on her brother so she turned around and ran to her mothers room, opening the door and looking at the bed, it was empty. She felt sick to her stomach as she ran around the house looking for him he was gone no trace of him, not even hair or blood. She stopped and looked at the floor, tears forming in her eyes. What was her mother going to think when she came back? How could she loose him now? She got up with a little bit of hope thinking he must've went outside to play, she opened the front door no one, not even the kids from next door was at the front yard, she knew Yuno was a smart kid and never leave the property or even follow a stranger, so how did he disappear? She vomited on the floor it wasn't a good idea for her to be running straight away after waking up, but she stood up weakened and cleaned herself up, she knew where to go.

She ran to the police station and filed in a missing persons report, non of the cops cared that another kid was gone but one cop went up to her and said "A man, with the name of Naoyuki Roo is on the case of the missing children, so go visit him, here's the address." He had given her the address, it she been there before. She left the station and headed to Naoyuki's place.

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