CHAPTER 1 (cont.)

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(Sorry I accidentally did that prev. thing so here's the cont.)
The prayer finally gets over and I go over to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Waters. They both were crying. Crying but not too hard just a couple of sobs. His mother hugs me as soon as she sees me. "I'm happy that you came. I really needed someone to share my pain with, I really can't believe that it's been 2 years since Gus died." she says. " Yeah.. Neither can I." I manage to say as she holds me tight while I feel the wetness of her tears on my sweater as she sobs. She's really sad, I think. Mr. Waters then notices me and says as to answer my thoughts," That's it dear..pull yourself together." he says to his wife and looking in my direction says," It's really nice of you to come here." I start to think if they even want me here so I say my apologies and goodbyes and leave.

The Fault In Our Stars: After AugustusWhere stories live. Discover now