“Ah, I get it. The ‘cover up’. I understand. You don’t want to tell me. Girl stuff. That’s okay.” Jackson started to walk backwards with his hands up in defence. “I’ll just leave you two to bitch about me and our group alone. That’s right; don’t think I didn’t see those glances at our table.”

Nora sighed with a grin. “Shut up you baby.” She pushed him away and he began to laugh, making me smirk at the adoring look in his eyes.

“Okay guys, I’m going to leave you now. I have to get to class. I’ll see you afterwards for our ‘talk’.” I turned to Nora with a dispirited expression.

“Yeah you will!” She growled with a determined look.

I nodded slowly and began to walk away backwards, making it obvious that her wide eyes were freaking me out. I began to smile as her eyes widened even more at my motion before my back made contact with something warm and solid.

I hand flew over my mouth in shock as my eyes widened before I turned around. “I’m so sor-”

“Move.” Caleb scowled, cutting me off.

“O- O- Okay.” I stuttered, stumbling out of the way. Caleb made his way over to Nora, whose grin reappeared on her lips once she watched the first interaction between my roommate and me for two weeks.

I began to walk away from the group and Caleb as quickly as possible. Just as I pushed the cafeteria doors open, another female voice joined me. “You’re being an idiot, you know.”

I turned to the side to find Portia’s steps falling in line with my own. “Care to explain the reason behind your opinion of me?”

“I know you think I’m a bitch,” She began, and I didn’t stop to disagree with her, “Everyone thinks that. I just really like Caleb. He clearly doesn’t return the feelings, but he definitely likes you – well, as much as a guy like him can like someone anyway.”

I nodded slowly, not understanding why I was the idiot just yet. “Right…”

“All I’m saying is that you should give him a chance. What is your reason behind not talking to him anyway? Apart from the fact that you guys kissed.” I opened my mouth to ask her how she knew that but she held up a hand to stop me. “It’s so obvious. I’m not sure how the other morons in our group haven’t picked up on it.”

A frown appeared on my forehead as I looked down at my ballet flats. “I don’t want to get into any sort of relationship.”

“Why?” She pressed.

“It’s complicated.” I sighed, not liking where this conversation was heading.

“Okay, whatever personal vendetta you have going on emotionally really shouldn’t get in the way of you getting into relationships. You’re so emotionally detached from everything you do like you’re afraid if you get too close, something will explode.” She threw her hands up in the air to make her words more dramatic.

I raised an eyebrow at her, trying to keep my expression neutral. “Have you been watching me? That’s kind of creepy, we’ve barely spoken since I first got here.”

“I’m a psych student.”

“And that’s supposed to make me feel any better?” I asked, my eyebrow remaining raised.

“Don’t try and change the subject. I’m here to set you straight. Talk to Caleb. You’re making a mistake with this whole silent act thing you have going on.” Portia stopped in front of the lecture hall I was about to enter for my first class of the day and crossed her arms.

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