"Hey, it's okay. It's okay. I won't hurt you. I'm one of the good guys." he says, finally standing up. "You know, Kid Flash."

"Seen Kid Flash on the news. He doesn't wear black." Artemis scrutinizes.

KF looks down, just as confused as she is. "Uh, little unclear on that myself. What about you? Green Arrow fixation?" He chuckles at his own joke.

Artemis looks down, shock covering her features and showing in her posture. "WHO PUT ME IN THIS?"

KF's eyes go wide. "Wow. I am not touching that with a ten foot- uh, so you know how to use that bow?" He changes the subject.

"Yeah, my dad taught me…" She admits, the fear falls from her posture, only to be replaced by anger. "DAD! He must've done this. Another of his stupid tests."

"What kind of test?" Kid Flash asks, curious.

"He probably wants me to kill you." She admits, completely nonchalant about the idea.

Kid Flash's eyes go wide, but both look up as an all-too-recognizable sound starts getting louder from right over their heads. He grabs Artemis’ hand, pulling her out of the shack, both of them getting knocked down by the force of the explosion at their backs.

In the sand, three tanks are approaching. Lead by a jeep armed with a machine-gun. "Makala vusee agravu!" One shouts. The soldier fires the machine gun at their retreating forms.

Artemis looks over her shoulder before dropping into a roll on a diagonal, coming to a kneeling position with her bow aimed at the leading car. She releases the arrow, which impacts the ground below the front of the car, flipping it over both her and Kid Flash's heads before it lands and bounces two more times.

The speedster looks back to Artemis, seeing her hidden behind a small rock formation and firing at more of the Bialyan troops. He slides his goggles over his eyes before taking off.

At a distance, the tanks fire two more missiles.

Artemis gasps as Kid picks her up and runs off. The missiles landing on his heels.

"Sorry." he apologizes, as Artemis looks to him rather than the army at his back. "They've got bigger arrows."

Once again the tanks take aim.

Kid looks over his shoulder before running faster to dodge the impacts, causing Artemis to turn more into his hold to avoid the dust and dirt and to minimize the fact that she's clenching her eyes shut with each impact.

"Thanks." She says quietly as they finally start to run in a more straight line again.

Kid Flash laughs lightly. "Told ya, good guy. Now-uh- not to pry, but- uh- what's your name?" he says with a small smile, though it drops ever so slightly. "Oh, and what's this about you killing me?"

I'm actually on Earth. M'gann thinks excitedly as she flies around the desert landscape. I've wanted this for so long… even if it's not exactly like TV. 

Son of a- how did I miss this?!

She makes a loop around a rock formation that stands tall in the air before coming to a stop between two tree carcasses. But why can’t I remember how I got here? She sits cross-legged, but still floating in the air. Concentrate Remember. Her eyes open, glowing white.

It's dark in the Bialyan desert, before M'gann is Superboy, kneeling down on both his knees. Looking around confused for a few moments before he grabs his shirt and rips it apart with a yell. Charging at M'gann.

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