Remember That Time When You Jumped Off The Roof Of UA

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A little warning there is attempted suicide in this chapter and mentions of cutting. So if this is an uncomfortable topic for you please just skip over this chapter. Also if you need someone to talk to I'm here. I'm sorry I didn't put a disclaimer before the chapter earlier.

This is later in the day that mineta groped your ass.

It was gym class when it was your turn to spar, guess who your partner was? Just guess, haha jk it's bakugou. The two of you spar for a while, but bakugou got tired and completely directed a full on blast to your face. You doged it obviously. You stand still on the field

"Y'know you really look like your mom" you state, Bakugou stops for a quick second then runs towards you

"Quit talking about the old hag and fight!" He says directing a blast towards

"Why are so mean to her, you've gotta respect your mom!" You say dodging his blast.

"You don't know what it's like to have a mom like her, you don't know how it feels to have a mom. Didn't you kill her? Tch murderer." He says only loud enough for you to hear. This hit you hard and you stand there dazed, Bakugou takes this opportunity to hit you with a very big blast. You get knocked to the ground.

"And Bakugou wins, Todoroki may you take Yamada to recovery girl?" Aizawa says, Shoto nods his head before going on to the field to help you up. In the hallway Shoto looks at you

"Are you okay, what did he say on the field?" He asks.

"It's nothing Shoto I'm fine" you say monotone. He looks at you worried. When he gets you to recovery girl she shoos him out. She walks back over to you and gives you a kiss.

"I remember the day your dad brought you in to work. It was a couple of days after you where born, he was a mess. I mean his wife had just died." She says going over to her candy drawer "you would just cry, Nezu was the only one who got you to stop surprisingly, so you just hung out in his office until you where old enough to go to a daycare. Don't tell this to anyone, but he told me that it got lonely in his office without you" she says giggling at the last part, she hands you your favorite sucker flavor "here sweetie, your favorite" she says smiling. You smile back at her "now go back to class." You nod your head and start to walk to class.

As you are walking in the hallway you take a turn and start to go up the stairs, while eating the sucker recovery girl gave you. You get to the roof as you finish the sucker. You throw the wrapper away and go to the ledge. You take a few breaths as you slowly lean forward soon losing contact with the roof.

Just around that time All might was on the top floor teachers lounge as he looks out the window to see a flash of blue and yellow.

"HOLY SHIT!" He says growing into but size. He books it downstairs really fast, he catches the attention of allot of teachers. They start to run after him. He gets outside as you are a couple yards till impact. He catches you, you start to cry into his shoulder. He realizes it's you and hugs you tight. He walks over to the group of teachers.

"I heard someone jumped off the-" your dad says running over to the scene but stopping mid sentence as he sees you. His eyes widen, all might walks over there and hands you to him. Present Mic sits both of your assess down on the concrete. You hug him tight as he has a look of shock on his face. All the teachers go back inside the school to give the two of you privacy, Aizawa comes out to see what the ruckus was about. He stops to see the two of you sitting there.

"Zachi" Aizawa says and before he could finish his sentence everything hits Hizachi. He starts to bawl his eyes out.

"Why would you do that?" he asks you "WHAT WAS GOING THOUGH YOUR HEAD?" He asks basically ugly sobbing.

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