user3 release date?

"Middle of next year!", Elliott answered cheerfully. "Or at least that's what we're hoping for. Of course, a lot of things could go wrong or change or... Well, I hope nothing goes wrong, but you never know! We actually had to reshoot a couple of scenes the other day because the lighting was super bad and they were having a hard time isolating our voices from the wind. Little things like that can ruin a whole day's worth of work, you know?"

user4 have you and timothée been hanging out?

Elliott chuckled. "You guys always ask that. So, someone please screen record this so I don't have to tell you again." That was a joke, of course. He was smiling as he said it. He didn't mind having to repeat himself every now and again. It came with the territory. "Yes, Timothée and I have made up. We're fine. Everything is forgiven. Neither of us is the same person we were in high school, it's fine. And yes, we hang out all the time. I see him every day at work, but we hang out a lot too. And, of course, I hang out with my friends a lot too."

user5 you're separating timothée from your friends, are you guys dating? 👀

Elliott's cheeks heated and he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "No", he chuckled. "No, we're not dating. Timothée and I are just surprisingly really good friends. I'm sorry to disappoint. I'm not even sure where you guys are getting that conclusion from. You guys love asking me that."

user6 you and timmy c can't date you're clearly both bottoms

"What?", Elliott asked through his laughter. "Okay, I resent that statement, Ellie! What happened to you being my mini me? You were my favorite, Ellie!"

user6 i regret nothing

"Wow, okay", Elliott pouted. "I'm getting a new favorite fan page. ...Nah, I'm just kidding. You're the sweetest, Ellie."

user7 does Ellie get exclusive information

"Eeeh... Okay, I'm not even gonna lie to y'all, yes. Sometimes, she does get information first or that other people aren't getting, because Ellie is more than a fan, she's like a little sister. She's been here from the start of my career and I've gotten to know her as a person", Elliott explained. "Ellie is definitely the fan page to trust. She always tries to verify things with me first." Of course he doesn't talk to Ellie like she's a close friend or anything like that, as he tries to respect the boundaries of a fan-star relationship, but he does always answer her questions and support her posts and made a special appearance at her graduation, but he doesn't give her intimate details about his life, nor does he ask for that from her. It's like a mentee-mentor relationship. He supports her desires to be a musician, helps her get connected to good people, and then he sends her on her way. But this was no Coleen Balinger situation. Nothing inappropriate was going on. He simply thought Ellie was talented and kind and deserved his support.

user7 omg hi!! i met you and timothée the other day at the coffee shop!

"Oh my gosh, yes! Hi! You gave me that painting. I love it so much! How are you, love?", he asked with a smile. He flipped the camera so that they could see the painting, which he'd hung up above his piano. "You went to Iceland? That's amazing! I can't wait to see what you painted there!" He frowned when he saw the chat begin going crazy. A majority of the comments contained Percy's name, so, with his brows furrowed, he tries to scroll up to see what they're freaking out about.

notpercyjackson can we talk?

"Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of me and my one million closest friends", Elliott answered with a shrug.

notpercyjackson if that's how you wanna handle things 🤷🏻‍♂️
notpercyjackson accept my guest request

With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, Elliott pressed accept on the invite. "What do you want, Percy?"

"You don't have to be like that, Elliott", Percy frowned. "And honestly, the fact that you can be so mean to me about this when I never said anything about you whoring around with Timothée is kind of hurtful."

Elliott stuck his tongue in his cheek, his arms crossed as he debated responding to that comment. "So you wanting to talk was just an attempt to make me look bad instead of, you know, taking the opportunity to apologize, huh?" He faced the camera directly. "The 'whoring around' in question, folks, is Timothée picking me up from a party after Percy left me there to go see his secret girlfriend, because I was drunk and he didn't want me to get hurt or potentially relapse, and having lunch when I was out with a friend and just happened to bump into Timothée. That is nowhere near the same as dating a girl for months behind my back and only coming clean because she had been posting about it online and you got caught."

"I just wish you would talk to me. We can work things out!"

"No, we can't!", Elliott protested. In the end, the pair ended up bickering a little bit before the chat once again started going crazy.

user8 omg Timmy!!
user9 does timothee just casually have a key to elliott's house???
user10 Timothée!!
user11 not timothee sensing elliott in danger
user12 he came to protect his man fr

"I am not in danger", Elliott laughed, turning his head to see where Timothée was coming in with bags. "He's just bringing lunch. And not out of the goodness of his heart, he just wants to see how much I've packed before our flight tomorrow! 'Does Timothée live with you?'", he read aloud. "No! No, he does not live here. He would be a nuisance."

"That is not true!", Timothée called from the background. "If anything, I'm coming to pack for you, because I know you haven't. And he's lying, I totally do live here!"

"He's right, I haven't", Elliott admitted.

"Okay, cool, whatever. Can we finish our conversation?", Percy asked.

"No", Elliott answered. "You're annoying me." With that, he removed him from the livestream. "Okay, guys, I've gotta go. It was so nice talking to all of you! I promise I'll be back soon!"

"What was that all about?", Timothée asked in curiosity.

"More drama that will be all over the place by tomorrow", Elliott dismissed. "But I brought it upon myself so I'm not mad. Is that my hoodie?"

"No... Yes. I stole it the last time I was here", Timothée shrugged. "Now, come on. I got your favorites!"

sorry that i haven't updated in forever.
a lot happened in my life.

maniac | timothée chalamet ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon