Case Of The Heart

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"For goodness sake Yennefer, I said it before and I'll say it again I am not going to drop this goddam case. It's not a dead case! You know there is something up with it, I swear it!" A man exclaimed rather enthusiastically with annoyance laced in his British accented voice. The man was talking in an overly tidy office. The walls of the room were practically made of glass. See-through windows as walls, only the back wall was made of wooden orange-brown panels, vertically going from the ground up to the ceiling. A few pictures hung on the wall, mainly of the Detective Cheif Inspector's certificate to show she was certified with a black thin frame. Below the title had her name, Yennefer Yengerberg. Not too far to the right, a picture of a sexy looking woman dressed in as a witch posing with her. That being Yennefer and her partner, Triss.

The Cheif and Detective were standing so the detective was leaning over the overly polished desk, standing with his legs slightly apart and bent forwards at the waist. Gradually getting tired of having this conversation on repeat but never failing to bring the subject up. He slammed his hands down on the desk, bits of scribbled on paper covering the file that Yennefer was reading to ignore the man nearly in his mid-twenties. He looked nothing like a Detective to be completely honest.

His hair looked too smooth for his own good and entirely unmanageable yet somehow tamed through a little product. Baby blue eyes which were piercing against his slightly tanned fair skin, wide and excited all the time and overly friendly. His lips were red as the devil's skin on a summer day. Features not likely found in a senior detective.

"Yennefer, for the love of God I'm one of your best detectives can't you listen-" The Detective's voice raised louder, the whole station now able to hear as silence echoed out in the main area, a couple of eyes wandering off of their own pages and to the office, peeking through the glass windows to see what the commotion was about, others already knew, and other just didn't care.

"PANKRATZ!" Yennefer demanded with her voice at full volume for his attention. An easier way to tell him to shut the hell up, purple eyes blazing as she looked up from her file she had currently reading that had been covered by the Detectives scribbled notes.

"YENNEFER FOR FUCK'S SAKE IT'S ALL THERE" He essentially started screaming at her as he was pointing to certain parts on the paper. It was of a couple of the profiled of people as he gestured to it in frustration. Yennefers' face was starting to contort into an angry snarl. She'd had this conversation fives time this week already and, it was barely fucking Tuesday. But the detective was forcing this upon her. He just kept talking, closer and closer, already suspecting the case had a female behind it instead of a male due to the types of people being taken and them being so discrete.

"DROP THE CASE OR YOU'RE FIRED!" Yennefers words boomed loudly, ringing in the man's head and the echoed out into the station, a power behind them, unseen and untouched. Her raven hair that was too harsh for anyone flowing down her shoulders and back. Her pale skin showing how frequently she gets outside which is practically never. Even though her makeup you could see the tiny of red on her cheeks from being so furious. Her features loosened up as she realized what she had said, anger fading as she opened and closed her mouth, the detective looking at her wide-eyed and extremely hurt.

"Jaskier..." He started in order to try and apologize, her voice calm and smooth as silk which most of the men and women in his field fell for in no time. She battered her eyelids at him in order to apologize. She called him Jaskier for many years, her calling him by his last name means serious business in itself but there were lives at stake, he had to of pressed on. And he had to keep pressing on, even if it meant losing his jobs. His fists closed tightly before picking up all of his notes, anger flaring over him slightly, face annoyed and blank.

Case Of The Heart | One=Shot | Geraskier | Geralt/Jaskierजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें