Then a voice brought her attention directly below her. "What the hell are you doing?" Tentatively looking down, trying to keep her balance as she stood on a branch, Lilly saw Bellamy Blake still in a guard's uniform. She hadn't seen it before, but she now realized he also shared the same utility belt. The taser caught her eyes first, even with the distance between them. Her neck muscle twitches at the sight of it. He's not a guard, you're fine, she reminded herself.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She responds curtly, refocusing her attention and pulling herself up to the next branch.

Her response being both sarcastic and rhetorical, she didn't expect him to actually respond. "You look like you're trying to channel your inner primate." Lilly looked down to see him staring up at her with his head tilted to the side.

"So, I'm a monkey?" She questions, a hint of offense lacing her tone as she successfully climbed atop another branch.

"Hey, you said it, not me." Bellamy raised his hands in mock surrender, smirking up at her. Then, he playfully adds, "You definitely have the look down, that's for sure." Despite the black eye she sported, her messy hair seemed to remind him of a picture he'd seen of an orangutan.

Hugging the trunk tightly, Lilly pointed an accusatory finger down at him. "You're lucky I'm in this tree, otherwise I might just smack you, boy."

"Boy?" Bellamy chuckles, raising an eyebrow. He thought it was funny, even though he was over the age of being called a boy by now. "I have a name, Monkey." Bellamy Blake can't help but pat himself on the back for the clever nickname based on her jumping from branch to branch.

"I know you do, so do I-," Lilly glares down at him, stopping him from what he was surely about to say, "-and, no, it's not 'Monkey.'"

"And what is your name, Monkey?" He used the nickname again, enjoying as he watched her get all flustered. "Or I can keep calling you Monkey, if you prefer that."

"My name is Lilly." The brunette explained through gritted teeth. She thought monkeys were cute, but the way he was using the name made her think it wasn't a compliment. She had to admit, though, with how many people know Clarke and Wells, she was surprised nobody knew her by her face or name. She would remain thankful for this until one of her peers connected the dots and told everyone, but it was baffling.

Bellamy nods, accepting the fact that she wanted to remain on a first name basis rather than share her last name. Though, when he thought about it, she looked awfully familiar. He decided to try asking, "You got a last name, Monkey?"

Lilly tried not to show any emotion at his question as she snapped, "Stop calling me Monkey, and maybe you'll find out." She turns to the next branch up, climbing it with ease.

"You should really stop before you hurt yourself." Bellamy says pointedly.

He watched as Lilly looked down, sizing up the distance between herself and the ground. "I'm only-what? Fifteen feet up? I'm not gonna fall or anything." She shrugged dismissively, reaching for the next branch.

It should be known that when she most needed it, Lilly Kane had no good luck. In fact, most of the time if it weren't for her bad luck, she might have no luck at all. Her pale fingers wrap around the branch, but as she starts to pull herself up, her foot slips and she's left dangling off the tree branch. Hearing Bellamy guffaw below her, she's tempted to drop in hopes of landing on his stupid head. Luck fails her again as her fingers begin to slip. With the act of letting go as an attempt to tighten her grip on the branch, she finds herself dangling by just the one hand. Living on the Ark, there isn't a lot that it's citizens do for strength. Ultimately, this fact led to her remaining hold slipping as she began to fall from the tree.

the scent of air and darkness x b. blakeWhere stories live. Discover now