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When I finished packing I looked at Betty's bed. It still had an indent from the night before. It pained me not hearing her laugh and lighten the mood.

I kept my bags on my bed and went downstairs to see all the girls in the living room, in tears.
you clear you throat and they look at you "I'm going on a mission to Japan"

they stared at you shocked and sad.
"But the Baby" is all Barbra could say
"I know. But Betty always told me to do what the country needed. That's what I'm doing" I  say tears rolling down my cheek. Evelyn walks over and hugs me, then the other girls joined.
"Come back in one piece for us" they say as I walk out the door with my bags.
"I will, I love you girls"
"We Love you more!"

I got in the car with some dude who was told to pick me  up.
I gathered my things and walked to the hanger. Earl took my bags and placed them with Rafe, Danny, Red, Joey, and his bags.
We all sat around for awhile.
Red is still super upset about Betty, as am I.
"You know Red. If Betty could tell you one thing it would be to cheer up and move on. She would never want to be the reason to hold someone back."
He looked at me and smiled "Your right, thanks Molly"
"Anytime Red"

Then you guys drive to a mini house for the next day. Your staying there and then boarding a Private plane tomorrow.
When we got there I fell asleep next to Danny instantly.
I woke up and got dressed. Today is the day we go to training.
We went to the plane and the girls showed up. We all said our loves yous and goodbyes ten boarded.

"What if I die?" I blurted out
they all look at me.
"We won't let you" Rafe said.

The plane lands near a carrier but still on land.
It's been two days and we leave for the mission tomorrow.
There will be three planes.
Danny and Joey, Red and Rafe, Me and Earl.

I woke up early that morning and watched the sunrise.
Head Commander Litpro stood next to me "You know kid, those boys would die for you. Every single one."
"I know, but I don't want them too"
He looks at you "after all my years in the air forces ive never meet a young girl as heroic and brace as you. How old are you"
I scratched my neck. "Don't Tell On Me.... 17"
"Damn, you got a whole life to live. But what your doing for our country is right"
I smile "my friend Betty was only 16 and she died"
"I'm sorry about that"
"Don't be, War takes the kindest hearts, to make a more vicious world."
"Well I better get my things together sir" You solute him and walk to the guys.
After a few hours it's time you walked to Lt. Doolittle and handed him a note.
"If I die give this to my friends at home" and he nods his head

The note read:
Dear Whoever is reading this.
If you are im dead. But don't be sad for I have done good deeds for my country the land of the free. I will not be in pain, will not cause trouble, but the only thing I want you to do is not mourn over me for long. For I am born a soldier born to serve my country and have the chance of death. Tell Danny if he's there too, to move on from me but don't completely forget me. And give Rafe this letter to hold, Give Danny me engagement ring, and The girls my clothes and perfumes. The rest will go to Rafes kids.  Love the person writing this, Molly McCrawley

We took off and we've been flying for hours. We are running out of fuel, and we just spotted land.
"EMBRACE FOR IMPACT" Rafe shouts. We all have to crash land.
Me and Rafe land decently but Danny practically nose dived.
"DANNY" I yelled pulling him and out and Rafe pulling Joe.

Now we are surround in trees, fire, blood, and Japs.
They shoved me to the ground and held a gun to my head.
Same for everyone, except Red. They tied a cement thing over his shoulders.
They were about to shot me when Red jumped in the way. He died for me!
I grabbed my gun and shot six japs in the head. The others did the same, some Japs ran off. When they did I ran to Red.

The guys surround us and I start to cry
"Red please. Don't do this to yourself"
"At least I'll be with Betty" and then he went limp. I burst out crying, I just watched my late best friends fiancé die.
We finished our mission and went home. Joey exited first, Earl, Then Rafe who had one hand on a coffin he walked out more and Danny popped up, then Me. The girls seemed a little relieved but still upset.

We hugged and talked for a long time.

It's been a year now! I had two kids, Betty and Red.
Danny and I live in Tennessee at his old house.
He takes them flying everyday.

We keep in touch with Evelyn and Rafe. They have a son named Earl, since Earl died shortly after my kids birth.
Barbra and Joe ran off somewhere in the world, but communication is very low.
Maria ran off somewhere and wasn't heard from since.
Gooz ended up married to a girl named Samantha. They have 9 kids.

I'm the happiest girl in the world with my two kids and amazing husband, Danny Walker!

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