15 - Rose Colored Glasses

Start from the beginning

"Then I will!" Tom shouts.

Both of you freeze, your baby kicking you almost in fear.

When you look at Tom and realize you and him have completely different priorities, it's in that moment you realize that you and him will never work. You know what you have to do, even though your heart and baby kick at you in protest.

Tom freezes again, looking at you with those wide doe eyes that you wonder if your child would have the same big brown eyes.

"Nevermind, it's stupid, I'm stupid," Tom chuckles, closing his eyes as he tries to ground himself. That kid isn't Harry, the police can handle it. This isn't his usual business, therefore he should stay out of it.

"It's just, I wanted something different," you say quietly.

"What do you want? I mean, seriously, you can't expect me to read your mind."

"I want you to take me out," you say decidedly.

"On a date or with a sniper?"

The joke falls flat, but you laugh anyway, swinging your legs off the bed.

"You decide."


Graham sighs as he watches the SWAT team prep, "Montgomery, let's prep for Y/N's apartment, Tom hasn't been to his much since three and a half months ago. Surely, if they're going anywhere, they'll be heading to her place."

"Boss, you sure we shouldn't put resources on both places?" Montgomery asks skeptically as he tightens his bulletproof vest.

"No, we have a single SWAT team and us, we need to throw all our weight behind this, this is the day we finally catch them. I can feel it," Graham smiles.

"It's a beautiful day to capture serial killers," Montgomery jokes, feeling the cold stare of Graham dead on the back of his head.

"Son, you need to stop binge watching Grey's Anatomy."


Tom calls you when it's getting close to eight, he's already dressed, ready, waiting. There's a nervous energy to him because he feels like something just isn't right. He wants to push that feeling down, and he knows the only way to do that is to hear your voice.

"I'm finishing my hair, Holland, chill out."

"How long does it take you to do your hair?" Tom whines slightly, bouncing on one foot.

"I know, I'm sorry I promised I'd meet you at your place but it's just taking me longer to get ready than I thought. And I want to get there on time so I just figured you could pick me up here."

"Course, I'll see you at 8 then darling," Tom smiles, eyes crinkling as he adjusts his tie in the mirror. It was the same one he wore the first time you ever worked together. As he ran his hand over the silk material he smiled at the memories the tie bubbled up from his subconscious.


"Go ahead Holland, put me in my place," your voice is venomous as you buck your hips up against him, "you're pathetic," you spit out, hands tugging at his hair.

"Shut the fuck up," he grunts, undoing his tie and grabbing your hands in his own, slamming them above your head.

"Make me dumbass," you watch as he wraps the blue silk tie around your wrists, tying it expertly and he watches you stare at him in wonder. A smirk passes his lips before he presses them against your own.

Your knee collides with the side of his groin and he groans, sitting up.

"What the fuck was that?"

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