Chapter 1

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Angel followed, Harry’s lanky form down the corridor, her gaze never wavering form his back. His long legs were encased in skinny black jeans, low on his hips. Angel’s eyes drifted to his butt but resisted the urge to stare. Oh. I have a crush on the emo. Angel thought, distressed then, actually what self-respecting girl hasn’t had a crush on an emo? Having decided the matter settled and no longer bothered or effected herself respect. She hurried to dash after Emily, to registration, who had in fact been talking to her the whole time.

                “Angel. Angel” Emily was snapping her fingers in front of Angels face in a valiant attempt to wake her from her daydream.

“Uh?” She replied as she suddenly become aware of her surroundings once more.

“Have you not been listening to anything I’ve been saying?” Angel knew better than to interrupt with an informative, “look I’m telling you Daryl has been badgering me for days about it.” Emily looked at Angel expectantly.


“Honestly you’re useless,” Emily said rolling her eyes. She then proceeded to regale Angel with storied about her ‘hot ex-boyfriend’ and that apparently he was going to move to their school. Angel nodded in all the right places and looked enthusiastic (as enthusiastic as you can about your best friends ex moving close) then asked the most important question of all.

“On a scale of 1 to Zach Gliffs, how hot?” Zach had never really been Ange’s type, what with his extra-bronzed muscular physique and square jaw – his gelled hair and dark brown eyes being the clinch. She preferred her men lankier and less of a condensing jerk. Alas Emily had been in love with Zach since first sight.

“Ooh hard one. Definitely less than Zach but not too far off I’d say. Their quite different” – obviously Emily thought, Conrad went out with me, I’d never have a chance with Zach.


The day continued much as usual; up until lunch. Emily received a text from the famed Conrad saying he was starting school tomorrow.

“That was fast.” Angel commented

“Why would you start in the middle of the week? Seems a bit stupid to me, I mean if you’ve just moved take AT LEAST a week off from school to settle in I say.” Daryl said snarkily. She wasn’t too bothered about Conrad’s moving situation, though she was watching Emily. Who was obviously flustered – her pale blue eyes darting about and she was doing her nervous twitch (constantly fixing her already perfectly, pinned back dark blonde locks). Daryl exchanged glances with Angel and they both looked knowing back at Emily. She was the designated chatterbox out of them all. This tended to be even worse when it came to boys though, many a time all three girls or a combination of Emily and either Daryl of Angel had ended up in detention together because of Emily’s nasty little habit of not knowing when to stop.


As it turned out they got to see Conrad a whole lot sooner than they’d previously thought. The girls were strolling out of school, glad that it was over. Especially as it was the first few days of November when everything started to get dark and cold were always hard.

“Emmy!” All three girls snapped toward the sound of a deep soulfull voice. Emily’s hand clenched when she saw who it was, after a millisecond of relieved pain she rushed forward to give Conrad a hug. Angel and Daryl held back and sized him up – they’d already placed bets earlier on Conrad’s alleged good looks.

“Ok I concede defeat, dayum he sure is fine. “ Daryl said her dark bangs swinging back and forth as she shook her head, then proffering her hand they shook settling on a fiver to Angel. Neither taking their eyes off Conrad though.

“So guys this is Conrad.” Emily practically skipped over, bounding with nervousness, the smile on her face as wide as was physically possible, it seemed to crinkle a little oddly at the corners Angel thought but dismissed it almost immediately – putting it down to the light coming from a low angle.

“Hey there, I’m Daryl” turning the charm on was almost instinctual for her, it flowed quite a lot less easily from Angel.

“Um yeah I’m Ange” she smiled up at his practically black eyes. He raised an eyebrow.

“Ange? Is that short for something?” Despite her best efforts he smile stiffened and turned into more of a grimace.

“Angel. My name’s Angel.” She sighed, Conrad just nodded his head, for just a little too long she flet, the air between them oozed awkwardness. “Well I’ve gotta go to work” she stated “nice meeting you Conrad, see you guys later?” the girls nodded at her as she walked out the school gates. Angel had a strange gait that made her look like she was rushing everywhere but not really going anywhere.


Ok, so here is my new story that I started for NaNo. Not sure about the title and this is definately a work in progress. Enjoy :) xx

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