Warmth and Stars (Senn x Igneous)

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Requested by misskitty58

Light spilled out from beneath the dirt of a banked campfire, the dying embers casting meager illumination onto the branches of trees above. Two figures sat on a nearby log, one studying the fire, the other watching the stars.

"Senn, do you ever look up at the stars and see them looking back at you?" Igneous asked.

The white-marked Ardoni looked up from his reverie, glancing at the sky with the Magnorite.

"No, not really... They just seem so cold and distant." He shivered,"But I do like to imagine that Thalleous, my parents, maybe my brothers and sisters, are looking down at us from the stars."

"Maybe they are the stars, maybe they aren't. But either way, they just look really beautiful, like chips of ice or flecks of diamond!"

"They really are." He shivered again.

The Magnorite looked down at the pale Ardoni, who was now fighting to keep his trembling muscles still.

"I think I read from a book somewhere that Magnorites are supposed to be warm, due to the lava that runs in our limbs. But I've never gotten around to confirming that."

"Well, we could confirm that now, eh?"

Senn got up and sat closer to Igneous, who put an arm over the Ardoni's shoulder. He immediately stopped shaking and relaxed.

"Yep, you're definitely hot-" He suddenly blushed,"Oh, not like that!"

Igneous smiled,"I know that, but I'm just glad you're warm."

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