Date Night pt. 2

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Rigby POV:
Mordecai and I went to go change out of our sweaty clothes. I picked out a red hoodie and jeans. I put on a belt and cuffed the pant legs like usual, and put on a necklace with a crystal on the end of it. Mordecai stepped out of the bathroom wearing a black long sleeve shirt tucked into a pair of ripped jeans, and a jean jacket over it with the sleeves cut off. I look at him in awe at how stylish he looked at the moment. "Ya ready? Benson is driving us." Mordecai said. "Oh...uh, yep. I'm ready! Let's go." I put my wallet in my back pocket while handing Mordecai his wallet. We put on our shoes and left the house.

"Alright, I'll be back at 9:00 to come get you two. Do not be late, because I'm not waiting for you. Have fun." Benson said as he drove away. Mordecai put his hand on my back and led me inside, holding the door open. Mordecai told me to head to the reserved table while he got us our game cards. I sat down, and a waitress eventually came by to take our order for drinks. I got myself a Pina Colada slushy, and Mordecai a vodka lemonade. Mordecai eventually came back with our game cards, "hey, so these purple ones are for endless basic games like ring toss and such. The yellow ones have money for the virtual games like go carts or shooting games. And this green card is for endless wings!!!" Mordecai exaggerated. "Endless wings!!!" I repeated. "So did you get our drinks?" Mordecai asked as he sat down, "yep! I did. I got exactly what I know you like." I told him, in a somewhat flirty tone of voice. The waitress came back with our drinks, "here's the Pina Colada, and a vodka lemonade!" are you guys ready to order?" She asked, "yes, we have this green card for endless wings, so we would like to get some of those." Mordecai explained, "okay! What sauce and what side?" He ordered barbecue sauce and fries, and ranch and ketchup for dipping. She walked away with our order, then Mordecai and I got up to play some games.

Mordecai POV:
Rigby and I had just played about 9 rounds of the new boxing game. We were so busy button mashing, that we didn't realize that our food should be at the table. After the 10th round, I look at Rigby, "hey, let's go see if our food is here." I tell him while tapping his shoulder. We run off back to the table and see a delicious looking display of barbecue wings, seasoned fries, and dipping sauce. Rigby took a bite first, "these must've just gotten here, everything is still pretty hot." He warned me, taking a sip of his Pina Colada. I watch him dip a fry into some ranch and take a bite. His little teeth were so adorable, as well as how messy he is when he eats. I rest my cheek on my hand while gazing at the boy. I snap out of it when Rigby blurts, "you've GOT to try this!" He exclaims, "the fries are perfectly seasoned with garlic and salt, and the wings! Holy shit dude." He goes on. "Oh really? Is it better than wing kingdom?" I tease, sipping on my vodka lemonade. "Oh, Wing Kingdom is still number one for me. But since this is from a different place, it's nice to change it up." Rigby explains, "I was just teasing you." I tell him, as I run my foot up the side of his leg. His eyes widen as he looks under the table, but I immediately stop. I snap out of it, and try to focus on eating my food.

We finished our first plate of wings, I ordered the two of us another as well as refills on our drinks. "Are you having fun?" I ask him. "Yeah, of course!" Rigby perks up. "Lets go play more games while we wait." Rigby suggests. We get up from our seats and roam around the arcade.

Rigby POV:
Mordecai and I have been playing Dance Dance Revolution for about 10 minutes now. After a while, we cruise on over to the basket ball hoops where we won some tickets. We also won a lot more from playing Skee-Ball and air hockey. We eventually head back to our spot with 80 tickets on our card, and more wings at the table to greet us. We dig in on our second plates and drinks. About 15 minutes later I finish my food. I take a sip of my drink, causing me to have hiccups. Mordecai giggles, "got enough?" He jokes with me. I laugh in between hiccups. They eventually stop, and I'm able to continue drinking. Mordecai takes a few large sips of his vodka lemonade, then asks to try mine. I hand him my cup, and he takes a sip from the straw. It's almost like I'm watching in slow motion. "mmm! Yours is good. Want to try mine?" He offers. "Sure bud. Hand it over!" I say. I nervously take a sip from his straw. I notice him watching me the same way I watched him. I make a sour face from how strong the vodka was, but it was okay overall. We get up from our seats again and walk around the arcade. We spot a photo booth and decide to get a few photos. We got one strip for the each of us. We put them in our wallets, then went to play more games. We play more of that silly boxing game, and I got my ass beat. So I challenged him to Mario Kart instead. I beat him 3 times in a row, and man did it feel good.

Eventually we ran out of money on our cards, but we had 650 tickets all together. We sat back down at our table and got some more drinks since Mordecai had a little extra cash. As we're drinking, we have a few drunken conversations here and there, but when Mordecai checked the time, it was 8:50. "Hey, lets go use our tickets to get some prizes, then we need to go wait for Benson outside." He told me. We got up and walked to the prize station.

Mordecai POV:
We get to the station and almost immediately, Rigby ran up to the stuffed animals, "teddy bear!" He blurted. I catch up to him and look at the big fluffy teddy bear he took from the rack. "You want that one? How many tickets is it?" I ask, "200. Its a good size for that many too." Rigby says happily. I agree to get it for him. I got the same one as him, but with a different color bow tie. Afterwards, we picked out 250 tickets worth of candy. We got 4 containers of cotton candy, 6 boxes of M&Ms, and some other little things. We gave the cashier all of our candy to put in a bag and gave him the card that had our tickets. Then, we went outside and waited for Benson.

We sat on the sidewalk next to each other, silent. "I had funnn." Rigby said, exaggerating the word fun. "are you drunk?" I ask him, laughing. He giggles, "maybe a little tiny bit." He responds, pinching his fingers together. I laugh again, "well...I had a lot of fun too." I respond. We gaze at each other and slowly lean into each other's faces, until we hear Benson's car pull up. "Let's go." I say, getting up. I held out my hand for Rigby. He slowly holds onto my hand, and I pull him up. We get into Benson's car and begin to head back home. "How was it?" Benson asked, "Ohhh my it was amazinggg!" I exclaimed, while Rigby and I held back laughter, "oh Jesus fuck..." Benson mumbled, "did Benson say...DUCK?" Rigby blurted. We both burst out laughing. This was probably the most fun we've had in a really long time.

We finally get dropped off at the house. We clumsily open the door and head upstairs. We put our prizes down on the floor and sit down on the edge of the bed laughing. We eventually calm down and sit quietly for a while. "You're my best friend." I tell Rigby, "I know that. We've been friends since we were kids." He responds, turning his head towards me. "Yeah but honestly...I don't like being best friends." I say to him, "why not?" He asks in a worried tone. I sit up and place my hand on his knee, then slowly trace it up to his thigh. Rigby put his hand over mine, then looked at me with the most pleading eyes. I lean in and say, "because if we're just best friends...then we wouldn't be doing this. I know how you feel from the signs you've shown tonight, and I feel the same. So why...why just be best friends." I say. I lean in once more, and our lips touch. I can tell he's shocked by the way he squeezed my hand, but he eventually relaxed and gave in to the kiss. We broke the kiss, but our faces were still close together. I put my hand on his cheek, and looked at his childlike eyes, they were so big and full of energy. Not to mention, the color was beautiful. I slowly back away from him, "I love you, Rigby." I say softly, "I love you too Mordecai." he responds.

I stand up to grab some clothes from the closet, Rigby followed me. I gave him one of my hoodies and some basketball shorts. I put on some baggy boxers but had no shirt. We change facing away from each other. I climb into bed, but stop in my tracks when I see Rigby on his trampoline. I felt bad seeing him sleeping so far away, so I scoot over and tell him to come over here. Rigby's face lights up as he hurries on over and gets into bed with me. I turn off the lamp and we lay down together. Rigby had his head on my chest and our legs intertwined. He wrapped his arm around my waist then looked up at me, "goodnight Mordecai." He says, "goodnight Rigby." I say back, kissing his head and with that, we're asleep for the night.

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