Part 1 : In The Night

Start from the beginning

A beat passes before JJ leans back in, head tilted, his parted lips capturing Simon's slightly chapped lips in a kiss. Letting it linger longer than Simon had, causing the boys hands to move up from his chest to hold the sides of JJ's face. Thumbs passing over his warm cheeks, as he presses into the kiss. Presses in closer where he sat in JJ's lap, bringing them nearly flush together. He can feel JJ's hand on his thighs move up over his hips, up under his sweater, large hands gripping at his ribs carefully.

"I need you Jide..." Simon whispers against his lips, taking in and letting out deep breaths, his eyes closed as one arm wraps around JJ's shoulders. His other still cupping the side of JJ's face, holding him there as their noses bumped together.

"... please." Simon continues, pressing his face into JJ's gently, nuzzling him as their lips brush. Feeling the other boys lips twitching against his own, feeling a strong arm wrapping around his slim waist, lifting him. And before he could protest or really process what was happening, Simon was flipped on to his back, with JJ between his legs. Hovering above him.

Simon blinks up at the other, eyes wide, as his legs move up some to hug at JJ's hips. One hand on the back of his neck as the other now rested on JJ's broad shoulder. Gripping him tightly, almost gently tugging him down as his back arches up off the bed, trying to get closer to JJ.

"You don't know what you're asking." JJ finally says, dark eyes moving over Simon's face, partly covered in darkness, they eventually pause at Simon's lips.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't.... know." Simon says, leaning up trying to kiss JJ but he pulls back, making Simon fall back, flat on the bed. Looking up to JJ, his hands flexing where he held him, rubbing, as if trying to soothe him. There is still tension in his body, in his shoulders, but not as much as before.

"You're the only one... that can..." Simon starts his hands still holding JJ's face, his thumb passing over JJ's plump lower lip. Tracing the soft skin as he sees JJ's gaze return to his eyes. JJ's dark eyes are almost sad looking, but Simon could not say for sure, perhaps it was closer to worry.

"That can, what?" JJ questions, lowering himself slowly over Simon, shifting so his own thighs press right up against the back of Simon's.

"Sort me out." Simon says in low voice, expecting to have to explain more. Not expecting to have JJ's lips over his own, rougher now than previously, feeling him lay right over him. JJ's hands moving up to press into Simon short hair as he used his forearms to keep himself balanced.

A muffled moan leaves Simon's mouth, partly disappearing into JJ's mouth, as his hands fall to grab at JJ's sides, legs hoisting up to wrap around JJ's hips now. Trying to pull him down further, his own hips shifting and rolling up against him.

This was it, what he needed. All the lust and waves of heat passing through him, distracting his brain so he doesn't have to think about anything, anymore. He just needs to be here, he just needs to feel JJ. Simon didn't trust anyone else to take care of him like JJ would.

Simon lets out a sudden frustrated moan as JJ pulls back, sitting up on his knees, looking down at Simon like he wants devour him. His hands moving up under Simon's sweater to pull it off over his head and tossing it to the side. The cool air causes goosebumps to rise over his pale skin, with no time to think about how unappealing he must seem in comparison to JJ's toned body. He was aware that he was not weak, but he naturally was built slim and almost lanky, even with any muscle.

"Shut up." JJ says, as if he could hear Simon thinking down on himself. Before Simon could really let the surprise wear off, JJ is leaning back over Simon, kissing him deeper this time. Letting his tongue move into Simon's mouth, drawing out a moan from him. His hands trembling as they try to come up to grasp at JJ, wanting to hold him. But his hands were quickly captured by JJ's and brought up over his head, pinning Simon to his bed as JJ leans over him. Causing Simon to take in a shaky breath, his red face so hot now, he feels like he might have sunburn, his eyes are screwed shut, as tears try to escape him. His whole body jerking as JJ's hips roll down against his own giving the friction he needed, feeling JJ was actually hard from this. Somehow he was not expecting it, and just feeling him press it against him through his sweats was enough to make Simon nearly lose his mind. His body jerking, arching up into JJ almost desperately.

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