Edward Cullen(Smut)

Start from the beginning

"Now go on, be back by 2 am at the latest." We all sped off, I stayed with Rose most of the time. Then I lost her. I was alone and stuck to just walking. I had no idea where I was, I usually was with someone when we went hunting cause I didn't know my way around.

I started to hear music play, very circus like music. I followed the sound and found the festival. Just as I was about to head back, deeper into the forest, I heard someone call to me.

"Hey pretty girl," It was a boy, he sounded younger than 20. I turned around to be confronted by a group of 4, all boys. "Wanna have some fun with me and my boys?" The one standing ahead of the others, gestured to his friends.

"Um, No thank you," I started to walk backwards, pulling myself deeper into the dark forest. They only laughed and started to stalk towards me. As soon as my body was completely into the darkness, something grabbed my waist, and I was pulled away from the festival, quicker than I could blink.

About 30 seconds later I was set down next to a lake. When I looked at the person who had carried me, it was Edward. "Edward? Are you ok?" He seemed to be upset and looked a bit angry.

"You shouldn't have been close to the festival. You could have been seen running. You could have attacked someone!" He yelled at me, a few birds flew at the sudden outburst. "Well I'm sorry!"I yelled back at him, "I lost Rose, so I just kept moving, I was hoping that maybe I could call someone to come get me!"

He scoffed, rolling his eyes at me. "I've been doing this for more than 100 years, you could have just spoke through your thoughts, I could have read them and come to get you. We weren't that far apart." He shook his head in disappointment.

"Well I'm sorry I wasn't thinking clearly, I was scared for myself, I didn't want to attack anyone, I've been doing so good with my diet. I barely crave human blood anymore." I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Did you at least hunt?" He leaned against a nearby tree, clearly agitated with me. I quietly shook my head no. "I don't know why we put up with you." He grumbled, only making me feel worse about myself and the whole situation.

"I think I'll be ok for a few days." I started to walk away, headed down a path, I knew where he had taken me, so I followed the path I knew of.

Then he grabbed onto my arm. "You should hunt, you haven't hunted for 6 days, you know we have a pattern for a reason." I rolled my eyes and yanked my arm from him. "You didn't follow the pattern, so if I don't want to, then I don't have to." I made a hmph noise and started back on the path, Edward followed close behind.

"Yeah but just because I chose the wrong person doesn't mean you should do what I did when it happened." He growled at me, still clearly mad.

"Whatever Edward. I should've told you that I knew..." He snapped his head to me. "You knew..?" He froze in his tracks. I only nodded, stopping as well.

"I can see peoples past, and future. I saw Bella's past the day I met her. When I shook her hand, I saw everything." Edward was staring at the ground. "I didn't want to tell you cause you seemed so happy with her."

He stared blankly at the ground, before turning swiftly, punching the tree next to him. It shattered and fell with a very loud thud. I flinched at the noises.

"You should've told me! I wouldn't have gone through with marrying her if I knew, I wouldn't have felt the pain of divorce, I wouldn't have-" he choked on his words, starting to cry. I've never seen Edward really cry before, only heard soft sobs coming from his room every day and night.

He dropped to his knees and covered his face with his hands. Sobbing loudly, I squatted down in front of him, hesitantly touching his shoulder, he flinched and then pulled my into a hug, causing my to fall on my knees.

 Female Reader one-shots. (Twilight) (Fluff)(Smut)Where stories live. Discover now