:•● 3 ●•:

Start from the beginning

"aishi-san! how are you? and how's the confession going?~" you teased, catching up to walk beside him. he gave a bothered glance to you then immediately looked away. foreigners have no concept of personal space, he thought.

"i'm fine, (l/n)-san. how about you?" he gave a quick glance to your sparkling figure, but he quickly jerked his head away again. the amount of shine that radiated from you burned his corneas.

"great! haha, you're so emotionless! that's okay, through." you snickered with closed eyes. getting in a line with the other early females of class 2-1, you gave him a parting glance.

ayato couldn't help but ponder over the fact of how painfully strange you were. he hadn't really seen a personality like yours. you were bubbly in an oblivious way. you popped up whenever he just didn't want to deal with anyone. ayato felt that talking to you felt like cheating on his senpai. it felt horrible, and he was sure to cut you off soon. possibly in the worst ways imagineable.

after doing stretches, the two classes awaited for the teacher's instructions.

"alright kiddos! ten laps around the track, go at your own pace, but i don't want to see walking unless you're really tired. after those ten, you get to hang out in the gym and play whatever sport you desire. got it?" the attractive blond teacher spoke, his deep voice commanding respect.

he earned multiple groans and quickly shut them up. "was that a complaint i just heard? do you want twenty laps?"


"good, you can go and start. and don't you try to cut it short, i'm watching!"

you were one of the first to start, being one of the only ones motivated to get it over with. one kid from 2-2 seemed way too happy about it. as soon as the ten laps were mentioned, you felt his shining presence from the other side of the crowd. his determination slightly terrified you.

when you started your first lap, he was already a quarter done with his. he was one of the fastest people you had seen in person. the blond was also the fastest male you had seen, because the fastest female you had seen was one of your random fangirls named maggie when she saw you and wanted a picture.

maggie was a dedicated fan of yours. you weren't sure what kind of shit she pulled to be able to go to the same school as you, but it didn't seem innocent. also, she looked like a human dove. weird, definitely. enough about her, let's talk about your (suffering/enjoyment) on the track.

you were (willingly/unwillingly) athletic. your figure (may/may not) have shown it, (and/but) you had great stamina. it was an inherited thing. your mother was a cheerleader and she could go on for hours doing stunts.

you were at a good pace and you were passing many people. you didn't push yourself, but you had a feeling that the dude with blond hair was pushing himself. though, that may have not been the truth. he looked pretty athletic. his arms- oh my god.

you wiped the sweat from your forehead and kept your breath controlled. you were almost done on your tenth lap! the sporty blond was maybe eight steps ahead of you. you reminded yourself to praise him later, you thought he was cool.

you were seconds away from finishing after him but there was a key factor you missed. you couldn't stop the extra speed you had and you crashed into his still figure. you yelped, and quickly caught your balance. you pushed him nearly over but grabbed his wrist at the last second. you were the only thing keeping him from falling. you pulled his body off of the track full of jogging students and held his wrist until he caught his balance.

woah, this foreigner has strength! aso thought with a giddy feeling in his chest. could he have found his perfect counterpart in strength?

"ugh, amazing luck i have. third time today. are you okay?" you queiried with an unconditional smile. he smiled back (finally) and head patted you, leaving you an embarassed mess.

"of course! after that great save of yours, who wouldn't be? you've got some great potential!" aso gave a thumbs up.

"th-thanks... i'm (l/n) (y/n)..." you blinked a few times, covering your mouth with a hand and blushing sheepishly.

"rito aso! the leader of the sports club. you're cute!"

way to be blunt, holy cow... you bit your lip narrowed your eyes in discomfort.

after that, you both went to the gym to talk. he played basketball with you and you had a deep conversation about why sandwiches are so popular. it wasn't as enjoyable as the conversation with amao, but it made you feel something deep in your chest.

this was a fine day so far!

( ꈍᴗꈍ)

unsnudnudnuubf i have to find the events i wanted to happen in this book in my old ~aesthetic~ notebook but it disappeared into another dimension

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