"but I-"

"go. You have to copy my notes too, don't you? Since you didn't do yours. I left them on my desk"

"FIne...Thanks Jia Bao"

he walks to class

"If he bothers you again, just let me know. He likes you, so he just acts stupid and might do something stupid"

"Okay...but why are you nice to me all of a sudden?"

"You're my sister now I guess...I protected my big sister from bullies...now I have a little one to protect..."

"thank you...does that mean I have to call you Jia Bao GeGe?"

"please don't"

"Then I will"

"Just not in front of my friends"

"then I'll do it just in front of your friends"

Zihao pokes his head out the door

"Hanyu! The bell's gonna ring soon. hurry!"


"bye Jia Bao GeGe~"

"Shut up!"

you walk to class and sit at your desk

"Everything okay with Zihao?"

"he asked to be friends after apologizing for how he talked to me"

"and what'd you say?"

"nothing. but I don't need anymore friends. I already have plenty of good ones"


he puts his arm around you a little too tight, more of like a chokehold, then rubs the top of your head


you try hitting him but he continues. Since your desk is right next to Hui Yin's she saw all of it, and she started to not like how you and Mingrui were always so close

"H-Hey Li Fang"

"let go!"

you push Mingrui off of you and fix your hair


"I-I need help wi-"

Mingrui tried touching your hair but you slap his hand

"Stop...Sorry, what Hui Yin?"

"I need help with number 6 for math"

"Oh, I thought you were the one who explained it to me yesterday."


"oh, well, you just do reverse operations"

"oh...I see...Thanks"


"Nice distraction, sis"

"W-What distraction! Shut up!"

you and Mingrui were turned around, talking to Zeyu and Shuyang sitting behind you and Hui Yin felt a little left out since she wasn't sharing a desk with anyone. Plus, she was the last one to join the friend group, so she always felt a little left out of everything

-skip to lunch-

you guys were sitting outside, like usual, but there were people walking around with flyers

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