
Start from the beginning

I laugh a bit and sit back down. "So... I know that telling you this while you're not awake probably won't do anything, but I feel like I have to say it. I love and appreciate you. You were so welcoming when I popped up all of a sudden. I look at you as if you were my abuelita." I let a few tears fall.

"Thank you for helping with the big ask." I laugh a bit. "You gave me some really good advice that day."

I walked down stairs to the coffee shop, holding the poster I made for Alex. I know, I know. Cliche. It was actually Lydia's idea. She told me Alex loves things he can keep and hold with him forever. Lydia was waiting with me, she wanted to see how this would go. "Hola, chiquita."

"Hi, Lydia." I hug her. "Why do you look so sad?" She asks.

"It's just my parents." I assure her. "I haven't been able to talk to my dad much and I blame my mom for it. I've been dodging her last few calls."

"Ay, mija. Lo siento. Do ju want my advice?"

I nod. "Forgive her." Lydia says. "Call her. You don't know when you'll next be able to talk to her. I know you're mad at her right now, but you'll work through it."

"Thank you, Lydia."

"I- I now realize how important it is to tell the people around you that you love them because it might be too late one day." I hold her hand, careful to not ruin her nail polish. "I understand what you mean. So, thank you. I think I'm ready to talk to my mom." I purse my lips together so I don't let out a cry. "And you have to wake up. Don't wanna miss me and Alex's wedding do you?" I whisper and laugh. I lean over and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Te quiero."

I look up and see them all walking back in. "How is she?"

"Good." I wipe my tears away. Alex hugs me. "On the bright side, the lady at the front desk gave me these treats after I gave her this treat." He points to the jello then himself.

"Let's go eat this in the hall." Pen pulls out of the room so we can give Elena some time.

"I'm gonna go call my mom, I'll be back." I walk a few feet away and lean against the wall. I dial her number and press call. I hold the phone up to my ear. What's wrong with me. She won't answer. Probably too busy with work or-

"Hello?" I heard on the other end. "Mami?" I say.

"Hi, Bianca." Mom says and I can hear the relief in her voice.

"Hi." I laugh a bit. "I'm sorry I didn't answer you before. I guess I was mad at you, when I shouldn't have been and-"

"No, baby, I know. And I'm so sorry." I can hear her voice breaking. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, mami." Great, now my voice is breaking. "Guess what."

"What?" She asks.

"I have a boyfriend." I whisper and giggle a bit when I hear her gasp. "Who? Mija, spill!"

I tell mom about Alex a bit. "He sounds wonderful. But, I have to go. Can you call in a few hours?"

"Possibly." I pause and take a deep breath in. "I love you."

"I love you too, mi amor. Bye."

I hang up and walk over to Alex. I sit on his lap and hug him. "I finally spoke to my mom."

"How'd it go?" He hugged me back. "Good. I told her about us. She says she can't wait to meet you."

He laughs a bit. "I am just so charming, aren't I?"

"Of course you are." I get comfortable and rest my head on his. A couple of minutes of silence went by. Lydia did teach me to tell the people you love that you love them before it's too late.

"I love you." I whisper. Alex looks up to me with a bright expression.

"What?" He smiles.

"I love you." I repeat. He kisses me. "I love you too." He says as he pulls away. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. "I'm glad my parents had to go to South America. Even though I miss them, I would've probably never met you and your wonderful family."

"Mami!" I hear Penelope exclaim and we all rush in. Lydia woke up!

It's been a few days and we're finally at the swearing in ceremony. They call Lydia. Oop, long name warning. "Dale, Abuelita, dale! Dale, Abuelita, dale! Dale, Abuelita, dale!"

"There are more people." The lady said into the mic. We all stop and sit down. After the ceremony, Schneider decided to host the small party at his place, since we always party at the Alvarez's.

I hold up my cup. "Toast?" I say and they nod, holding their cups up. "I just want to say... That I love you guys. You're my family away from my family." I laugh a bit. "And I'm proud of you two." I turn to abuelita and Schneider. "Salud!"

"Salud!" We all take a sip and I hear the door bell ring. "Were you expecting someone?" I look at Schneider and he shakes his head no. I get up and open the door.



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