The first breath.

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Hey it's me Jim I'm the one telling the story here. Hi as you may know now I am Jim. But don't worry about me I am going to be the one telling the story I won't talk about my life...... Unless you guys want me to....... What's that? You don't want to hear about my life? Oh ok well I'm here to tell you about Snow White. But however this is not a tale for children. This story is full of gruesome and horrible characters. Trust me I am not the bad guy I am just here to tell you the story and go. Let's began once upon a time in a castle long ago there was news that a new baby would be born and this baby's name was to be Snow White. I remember the day she was born. The sun was more yellow and bright then ever. The sky was as blue as the ocean with no cloud in sight. It truly was a very nice day. The market was very busy that day. There were people scrambling to get gifts for the new princess. I remember being with the big crowed to looking for the perfect necklace for the princess. After all I am the queens night. Yep that's right I'm the night of the princess. It's a huge honer. I got this honor by fighting the queens evil sister out of the kingdom. Let's say I'm a hero. The bell of the castle rang five times. That meant it was time for the ceromony. I found the princess a beautiful necklace with gems and a heart that opened to put a picture in it. "When she's older she we'll wear this." I thought. But little did I know it would not be hers truly. Soon the evil queen would have it on her neck.......

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