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"of swimming?"

madeline laughed, her head falling back with her mouth hanging open. jacob looked towards her and teasingly rolled his eyes, watching her with such adoration. he thought that she was so pretty that he might just die there on the spot. they were sitting at the edge of the water, their feet dipped in, getting used to the water. it was cold, but the sun provided enough heat to keep their bodies warm. madeline settled down and looked back towards him, noticing that jacob had been staring at him. her cheeks were still dusted a rosey color. "no, stupid. i'm scared of the trial."

jacob nodded, looking from her to the water, watching as some boats passed by in the distance. "i am too," he confessed, feeling his heart drop into his stomach. "sometimes it's all i can think about. the trial, jail. i'm terrified and i can't stop."

the blonde next to him shook her head. "we're not going to jail."

"you don't know that."

she closed her eyes, her hand reaching for his own in the grass. he was right, she couldn't know what was going to happen in the future. she didn't know if she was going to be in jail for the rest of her life, or if she was ever going to see jacob ever again. what if they went to jail and she would never get to see him, look into his eyes, touch him. it was a scary thought, something that increasingly worried her as the days went by. or what if he got tried guilty and they didn't have enough evidence to convict her? would she have to live with the guilt of getting out innocent and jacob going to jail? either way madeline looked at it, she was still guilty. why should she get to live out her life free when he wouldn't be able to?

her thoughts begged the question : if these were your months on earth, what would you do?

her hand on his felt comforting. even though madeline hasn't specifically said anything, jacob knew deep down that she was beginning to forgive. there had been no talk about sarah or anything of the nature between the two, and madeline wasn't sure if he didn't bring it up because jacob didn't want to upset her. she knew that it would be a topic of discussion sometime soon, but that didn't matter now. all that mattered was her and jacob. not jacob and someone else.

there was nothing better to do than just give in to the temptation of love.

madeline, without saying a word, pushed herself with her arms into the water feet first. she sunk as far down as she could, letting the cold water consume her. in this moment she felt still, encased in glass, unable to get out. she heard a muffled sentence from jacob, feeling water push back against her skin once he jumped in as well. when the need for air was present, madeline pushed herself up to the surface, taking in huge gulps of air, feeling it enter her lungs.

GLORY AND GORE! ( DEFENDING JACOB )Where stories live. Discover now