I sat on a stool to catch my breath. No sooner had I done so when more knocks came. Only three dwarves were at the door, but with them came Gandalf. I let them all in, gathering that their names were Bifur, Bofur and Bomber. They all hung their cloaks, and went to go eat. I stopped Gandalf before he got too far, and asked "Would you like something to drink? You seem parched." "Ah, yes. A  bit of red wine will do." I nodded, and went to go fetch it.

I soon came back, and said "Here ya go." I went and sat on my stool beside the door, watching as the others made a mess of themselves. Eventually, though, they finished, and sang a song whilst cleaning up. I silently watched them, not even cracking a smile.
Fili and Kili tried making me laugh, but I was out of it. I was restless, not liking how many people were around me.

I went outside, breathing in the fresh air. I was sitting on a bench, when I heard a step. "I know you're there. " I said, not turning away from the moon. The person froze. "How-?" A deep, rough voice asked. "You stepped wrong." I supplied. "Ah. Would you be so kind as to face me?" He asked. I  turned, and saw a rather kingly looking dwarf. I looked straight at his bright blue eyes, and held them.

This dwarf had seen grief, blood, and war. I got up, and went to stand right before him, still keeping his gaze. Then, without any warning, I hugged him. He froze, un-expecting this. Slowly, he hugged back. "You seem to be in need of one." I said softly. We stood there in comfortable silence, hugging one another. I felt a drop of wetness on the side of my head, and hugged him tighter.

He broke the hug first, and said gruffly "Well. My name is Thorin Oakensheild. What is yours?" I stood back, amused. "Well, I highly doubt that you've heard of me, but you can call me Neptune, an aimless wanderer. Pleasure to meet you Thorin." I said, adding a theatrical bow. "Come, I expect you're rather famished." I took him by the hand, which felt rough from years of blacksmithing, and led him inside.

Everyone got quiet when they saw Thorin, and I saw a few shocked looks when they saw our hands. "Bilbo, is there still a bit to eat?"I asked. He nodded, and I said to Thorin "Sit. Food will be out in a moment." In a trice I had him seated and placed a bowl in front of him full of good stew. Everyone was having small discussions amongst themselves, and I caught one of them.

Fili and Kili:
"Ten gold pieces that they'll get married by the beginning of summer."
"20 says that they'll just remain friends."

I was amused that they'd bet on us two. I tapped on Thorin's shoulder, and briefly explained the bet. He smiled into his stew. "Not even known you for an hour, and they're already betting on us. Which do you think'll win?" He murmured. "Oh, I wouldn't know. We'd just have to wait and see, now wouldn't we?" I whispered back. After Thorin finished his meal, I whisked away his bowl and went to go wash it.

Whilst they were discussing business I already knew, I cleaned up. I went and got the extra blankets that me and Bilbo had stored, and put them in the living room. I went back to the dining room, and caught the ending of the dwarves giving Bilbo the contract. He fainted when Bomber kept describing the dragon. I sighed, and that caught everyone's attention.

"Now you've done it. He might not want to come with you on this journey, now that you've frightened him." I said, extraordinarily annoyed. I picked Bilbo up, and carried him to his bedroom. I went and fetched a cup of water for when he awoke. I put it on his bedside, and went back to the dwarves. I entered, and everyone turned to me. I raised a brow. "He'll be fine, if that's what you're wondering about. Do you need something?" "Well..." Fili started. "We was wondering what your reaction would be if we said that you had to marry our uncle right now." Kili said.

I sent a very hard glare around the room, and everyone visibly shrank. "If this is a joke, it is a very cruel one." I said, my voice hard as iron. "I barely know you all, and I've known Thorin for an even lesser time. Why would I marry a dwarf who I barely know? Give me two very good reasons, and I might consider apologizing for the way I'm acting." There was dead silence. I sighed, and said in a much gentler tone "I'm sorry. But please, don't do that again. I don't react well to that kind of stuff." I went to my room, wanting sleep.

Just before sleep overtook me, I heard a knock on my door. I grumbled under my breath, "For real?" then got up and opened it to reveal Thorin. I sighed mentally, and asked "Do ya need something?" He seemed nervous for some odd reason. "Uhm, I want to apologize for the question that you were asked." He said, not meeting my eyes. "Thorin, it's fine." I said. "But I would like to know why I was asked that." He was blushing, that much I could tell in the dim light. "Eheh, um, well-" I could tell that he was extremely nervous, and a little embarrassed. "Look, you're clearly not up to talk about it right now, so why don't you tell me in the morning, okay?" I said gently. He nodded, and went back to wherever he was sleeping. I sighed, and softly shut the door.

Good day, night, morning, afternoon or evening!

Please do not criticize this too badly. I tried my best with this, and I would happily accept ships that you might smell this early. As you can see, I did things a little differently, and I don't intend to change it. I know it doesn't follow the story a bit, but I did try. Your comments might affect how it goes a little, and I will give you a shout out if I use your idea in some part of the story.

See ya around,


Me in The HobbitWhere stories live. Discover now