"Dong Il, what do you think hm?" The beast blew air out through his nostrils and shook his mane a bit before leaning down to graze.

"What could be wrong with our little Tiye?" Lifting a hand to pet the neck of the animal, he sighed in defeat.

"I suppose I should ask her then." Turning to see a lingering Byung-Ho, he flashed a small friendly smile at the boy and lifted his reins, motioning him to take him. Bowing his head, the boy led the horse away. Smile fading, he bit the inside of his cheek. Whatever it was that was going on.... his gut told him...no...screamed at him that it had something to do with Hyung-nim. As he turned to leave, a flash of light reflected upon him and he squinted his eyes, before kneeling down to it. Picking it up, he brought it closer only to grow cold. Chills traveled down the length of his spine. Tiye's hair ornament. Glancing down at the stack of hay, he clenched his jaw. What was it doing here? Gathering it up in his hand, he tucked it into his pocket and stood. Questions needed answered and he'd definitely see to them immediately.


She'd just finished slipping into her sok-baji when he entered. She turned once she set eyes on him but the smile soon faded as she took in his expression.

"Wangja-nim, what troubles you?" His jaw tightened.

"Too many things to name." His steps were slow as they approached her.

"Well, let's hear them." She encouraged, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Have you found yourself short of something?" He asked, growing closer by the second. Confusion bled into her features and she glanced up at him as he finally stood in front of her.

"Short of something?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out the long golden twine, holding it up in front of her face.

"I found this in the horse stalls." She tried to show no emotion but the shock that briefly flashed in her eyes sent a confirmation to his gut.

"Ah." Was all she expressed, reaching for it. He gladly surrendered it up and watched as she went to put it with her other belongings, neatly folded by the door.

"How did it get there I wonder." He asked with his eyebrow raised, watching as she fidgeted nervously.

"It must have come off while I was tending to the horses."

"Must have? Or did?" At that, she faltered.

"Whatever it is that you're hiding I want to know." She took a slow breath.

"If you knew what happened then you'd forfeit everything just to seek vengeance. Right now, you cannot afford for that to happen." His jaw grew tight and his gaze filled with dissatisfaction.

"Hyung-nim...did something to you." It wasn't a question. A stated fact. Taking a breath, she gave a nod.

"Promise me that you won't retaliate Wangja-nim." Her request only quelled the sudden infuriation that drifted across his features. Reaching for his hand, she gave it a firm squeeze.

"Please." He growled unhappily and with a shaky breath, acquiesced, returning her hand squeeze.

"I'll put it aside...for now. At a later date, we will revisit this. In detail." And like that, he left her to go to his prepared bath.

Pressing her head against the small table housed on the floor, she closed her eyes, tears slipping past. She couldn't have him sacrifice everything just for her. No, they needed to keep a level head. Seo Jun wangja-nim's offense was deeper than just any sexual act. He knew what she knew and it pissed him off. Having his birthright stripped away from him and given to his lesser brother was sure to be an ego killer and any way he could reassert his position, his authority, he would. Any way he could hurt Wangja-nim... he would do it.

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