Chapter 1

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I woke up to my mother shaking my shoulder vigorously.

"Wake up Percy! You missed breakfast with the duke of Atlantis!" She exclaimed.

I got up with a groan to see my mother rummaging through my closet.

"Here. Put this on. He's about to leave, and he really would like to see you." she stated.

"Okay, okay," I said, exhausted. "Could I have some privacy first though?" I asked.

"Oh yes of course! Sorry." she apologized before leaving my bedroom.

So your probably wondering,"What the heck was that?"

Well, I guess I should explain. My name is Perseus Jackson, but I prefer being called Percy. I'm the prince of Olympus, and my father, Poseidon Jackson, and mother, Sally Jackson, are king and queen.

Anyways, I got up to go get dressed. My mother had a royal outfit similar to what a typical royal wears laid out.

After I had dressed, I quickly exited my bedroom into the grand hallway, and I walked to the meeting hall where my parents and the duke were waiting for me. Breakfast had passed, so I took a detour to the kitchens to grab a snack. I walked in and grabbed an apple, and munched on it on my way down to the hall.

*1 hour later*
Finally! I never thought he would leave! I was forced into sitting with my parents as they discussed trade with the duke. It was pretty boring if you ask me.

Afterwards, I had lessons with my private tutor, Chiron. He gave me a Latin lesson today, an excruciatingly boring one in my opinion. When we finished the lesson, I decided to go horseback riding in the fields.

I wandered the streets looking for something to eat. As I was walking around a bakery, I spied a discarded loaf of burnt bread laying near their trash heap. I quickly grabbed for it and ran to the alleyway where I lived.

I live alone, my mother had died when I was five, and my father left us when I was born, taking my mother's money with him. She left me nothing, so I had to fend for myself.

I had made a small shack out of old rotten planks of wood that has improved over the years to where it included an old tattered blanket, a faded dirty rug, and a small straw basket were I kept the food I found. I entered and sat on the small old rug and began to eat my loaf, saving half for later, just as the sun was setting.

I never got to introducing myself, my name is Annabeth Chase, and I am an orphan.

[ And that is the end of my first chappie guys! I hope you liked it, it's my first fanfic! I'm only 13, so my writing skills aren't that good. I hope to update once every other day if I can, especially with break coming up. Thanks again! ]

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