Onward sickfic: Ian

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Ian was walking home from school, he felt awful, his stomach hurts really bad, he felt really dizzy, and he felt like he was going to throw up any second now. He didn't feel this bad when he left for school this morning but it had just gotten worse as the day progressed. As he slowly walked up to his house, he didn't see his mom's nor his brother's car on the driveway. Ian sighed and let out a bad cough as he approached the house, 'looks like I'll be home alone, great' he thought as he grabbed his front door key out of his pocket and went inside the house. As soon as Ian had made it through the front door and closed it, blazey started to run towards him, "blazey! No! Stop!" Ian yelled out as he began to have a coughing fit. Blazey immediately slowed down and stop, Ian sighed and begun to walk up the stairs until he started to feel dizzy. He stopped and leaned on the stair railing for a moment before he started to slowly continue to go to his room, but unfortunately his body decided that it was a good time to stop working on him. Ian barely got on the landing platform before a Sharp pain sent him falling on the ground with a loud 'thud!' dropping his staff down the stairs towards blazey. He lifted his head up a bit trying to focus his vision back to normal but he couldn't so he tried to crawl to his room. Ian barely got to his bedroom door before his arm finally gave out from under him and he fell on the wooden floor, the last thing he felt was himself getting colder (or hotter?) And heard blazey barking loudly, then everything went black. An hour later: Barley was just coming home from his rpg game, he got out of his van and went inside the house, "Ian? I'm home!" Barley called out to his brother, when he didn't hear anything back from Ian he figured he was just in his room taking a nap. He walked to his bedroom door while humming, he managed to open the door until he heard their pet dragon whimpering. He looked towards the living room area "blazey?" He called out, when the dragon didn't come running towards him he decided to throw his stuff in his room before he quickly closed the door and walked to the living room. Barley slowly approached blazey's bed and crouched down "hey there bud, what's wrong?" He asked blazey as he petted the dragon's head. Blazey looked up towards barley for a second before he uncurled himself and got out of his bed to reveal Ian's staff sitting on the bed. Barley gasped and quickly grabbed it, worry gripping him, "it's Ian's staff" he mumbled to himself then he turned to look at blazey "blazey, where's Ian at?" He asked the dragon as a gut feeling was bothering him. Blazey let out a little whimper and ran towards the stairs, barley following closely behind. Blazey stopped at the bottom of the stairs and whimpered again, barley looked up the stairs and slowly made his way towards the top. When he finally made it to the platform he gasped in horror at the sight in front of him, there on the ground lay his younger brother unconscious and sweating profusely. Barley quickly ran to Ian's side and gently grabbed him, turning Ian on his back "Ian! Wake up!" He yelled to his younger brother as he shook Ian, nothing but silence. Barley quickly picked up his baby brother bridal style and burst into Ian's room, he ran to the bed and gently laid Ian down on it, running to his drawers looking for his PJs, when he finally found them he quickly got to work changing Ian. Barley slowly and carefully laid Ian back down on his bed, he brushed the hair out of his brother's sweaty face and quickly grabbed his phone out of his pocket to call his mom. Ian's POV: Ian first heard a shuffle right next to him then he heard what sounds like a female talking 'h-w lo-ng wa- h-e o-ut" he heard before a strong male voice that sounded like it was right next to him say "f-or a-n h-our", then he heard footsteps approaching then he felt someone grabbing his arm and pulling it up a little before feeling something cold on his armpit. Ian groaned and tried to get away from whoever these people are, he felt strong but gentle hands holding on to him "shh-hh I-an, i-t's o-k, i-t's ju-st m-e an-d m-m" he heard the strong voice say but he continued to struggle against the stranger's hold until he blacked out again. ___ When Ian came to again, he heard what sounds like hoofs approaching him. "Ho- i-s h-e?" He heard a gruff male voice ask before he felt someone picking him up a little scooting him up (or was it down?) then they gently laid him back down, his head making a soft thumping noise. "N-t gre-at" he heard the same male voice from before say, he felt something moving up close to his Chin and heard what sounds like water sloshing around. He heard the sound of a towel snapping before feeling something cold and wet against his forehead, Ian groaned at the sudden cold feeling on his head and he tried to move away from it. He felt a gentle but strong hand on him before hearing the same gentle but strong voice say "shh-h, i-t's o-k b-ud, i-m he-e" somehow the voice had calmed him down and he stopped struggling against the hand. "Th-t's ri-ght, i-t's o-k, yo-u're go-nna b-e o-k" was the last thing Ian heard before darkness took over again. ____ The sound of water running somewhere close yet distant, before he realized that a familiar, soft hand was touching him. He felt like he should know who the hand belonged to but he couldn't put a finger on it, then he heard footsteps approaching him on the other side of him. "-k, I -ink th- wa-ter's co-ol eno-ugh" he heard the familiar male voice say "-re yo-u su-re yo-u -an -andle -his" he heard another familiar female voice say. "-eah, -on't -orry i-ve -ot -im" then he heard a soft sigh "-k -hen" he heard before he felt what feels like soft lips on his forehead then the sound of someone walking away. He heard a sigh, then the familiar male voice say "-k -ud, yo-u're -robably -ot -nna -ike -his -ut yo-u -eally -eed -t -ight -ow" he just let out a low grunt as he felt something being pulled away from him and felt the air hit him. He felt someone's hands on him before he lost consciousness. ___ The second he felt something really cold on him, he jumped up trying to get away from whatever it was that was making the uncomfortable feeling. "Shh-h, i-t's o-k b-ud, -ust -lax." He felt gentle hands holding him as he whined "shh-hh, i-t's o-k, yo-u're o-k b-ud, -ust -lax." Then he felt something slowly and softly rubbing at him, then darkness took over once again as he felt water pouring on his head. ___ The next time he had came to, he was laying on something really soft and felt the presence of someone familiar sitting by him. Then he heard a couple of footsteps making their way towards him slowly "-ey, -ow's h-e -oing?" He heard a female voice say. "-ot -ery -ood" he heard a male voice say as he felt a soft hand on his head, "-ow -ong -as h-e o-ut?" The female voice say. "i-t's -een -bout -eek -ow" the male voice say, he whimpered a little then darkness took over him. ___ He heard someone sighing as they sat down then the familiar male voice say "o-k b-uddy, i-t's -een a -hole -eek -ow, I -hink i-t's -ime -or -ou t-o -ake u-p -ow", nothing then a sigh "-ome -n b-uddy, -e -eally -iss -ou, I -eally -iss -ou" he heard, then he felt a big soft hand on his head before darkness took over one last time. ___ Ian groaned as a headache was slowly making its presence known, he slowly opened his eyes but immediately closed them when a bright light nearly blinded him, "uick -omeone -urn -ff -he -ights" he heard a female voice say before he heard hoofs walking a short distance away then the sound of something clicking. "Ian?" He heard a very familiar male voice say, he knew the person behind the voice but he couldn't put his fingers on it. "Ian? Sweetie? Can you hear us?" A familiar female voice asked him, who was talking to him? Where was he? And most importantly, where was his family? Ian let out a quiet whimper and tried to open his mouth to call for his brother or Mom but nothing coherent came out "shhh, it's ok buddy, just Take your time, we're right here." He heard the familiar male voice say, was that barley? He tried to opened his eyes and was expecting the lights to blind him again but when he opened his eyes there was no light on anymore, there was a couple of really blurry faces in front of him. He knew the names of all the faces but for the life of him he couldn't remember them, he heard a soft sigh of relief before he heard the male voice say "it's ok buddy, just take your time, it'll come back to you." Ian blinked and clear his vision up a little to see the people better, there was four people sorrounding him smiling softly. He looked around at all the people slowly remembering who each one is before he stopped at his brother's face, barley smiled a little at his baby brother "b-barley?" Ian asked as a coughing fit started up again. He felt something pressed against his lips and he started to drink the water, geez he didn't know he was really thirsty until now. Someone pulled the water away and he slowly wiped his mouth with his hand, he shook his head a little before he opened his eyes again and saw his friends and family. "Barley?" He asked, barley nodded then he looked towards his mom "Mom?" He asked her and she Nodded as tears starts streaming down her face then she hugged him while barley soon joined. After a moment they let go of him "what happened?" He asked them, barley starting explaining "well, you've been sick for awhile, you were delirious and everything" "What?" Both barley and Laurel nodded "yeah, it wasn't pretty" barley added, "well, how long was I out for?" Ian asked them. "A whole week" Laurel told him, "you were really out of it" Laurel said "heck, you even fought us a few times" barley said. "What happened? Why was I that sick?" Ian asked them, "you were running a really high fever the first time I checked your temperature, you even got so hot that barley had to put you in cold bath water to help Cool you down." Ian looked at barley "yeah, that really wasn't fun to do" barley said as he scratched the back of his head, Ian let out a little chuckle before leaning back on his pillow "thanks barley." He said. "You're welcome" barley said back "just glad to have you back with us." Ian smiled at them, thankful to have a caring family.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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