"I guess that would explain why there were only two graves." Velma responded

"But what I don't get is how a person in  a costume could fly." Daphne added

"Maybe I do." Fred said getting the attention of the three girls. "The safety rigging. Last night, while I was going head to head with the ghost I went up against, I had to use it to escape.  I bet it sure looked like I was flying."

"Okay, so what we've deduced is that there's one sneaky human working with two real ghosts." Velma said

"Exactly." Fred responded

"Come on, this has to be enough to clear our names."  Ruby added

They then ran over to Principal Deedle who had a ladder

"Principal Deedle, we have some information about the ghosts." Fred stated

"The ghosts?" Principal Deedle stated. "What more information do we need except for that they want us to leave? I was just about to call the superintendent to insist on the immediate closure of this school."

Ruby began to explain something until Vice Principal Grimes came through the door holding a blanketed Shaggy and Scooby by the back of their necks.

"Nonsense." Grimes said, making Deedle swing the ladder around and Fred having to duck to dodge. "I've got your ghosts right here. I found these two in the freezer. CLEARLY, they were here all night which would have given them ample time to do all this." Grimes added, gesturing at the damage and Scooby ran off

"RI'm outta here!" Scooby yelled as he ran off

"Are you sure? Cause this seems like a lot of damage for a couple of-" Deedle started

"Principal  Deedle, I am MORE than familiar with the average troublemaker's capacity for damage." Grimes interrupted. "That is why you put me in charge of discipline, isn't it?"

"Now, Vice Principal Grimes, I really don't-" Deedle started

"I will handle it, Principal  Deedle." Grimes interrupted 

"Vice Principal Grimes, you have to believe me. We didn't do any of this, it really was the ghosts. They locked us in the freezer" Shaggy explained "Oh, ad they ate all the ice cream too."

"Right. More ghost stories." Grimes said as he walked towards Fred, Velma, Daphne, and Ruby. "So, do we have all you to thank for this or did Ben and Jerry act alone this time?"

"No. It was just us." Shaggy said before anyone else could say anything

"Fine, I wish I could say your cooperation would mitigate your punishment, but it won't." Grimes responded

"Hold on, it wasn't just them." Fred stated. "I was there, too." 

"So was I." Ruby said

"Me too." Daphne added

"Yeah, mea culpa as well." Velma stated

"But that doesn't mean we did any of this." Daphne added. "Someone is disguised as a ghost and working with real ghosts and is trying to close the school and we have the evidence to prove it."

"Oh, really? Evidence? Do tell." Grimes said, really sarcastic. "Who is working with the ghosts? Is it Dracula? Frankenstein? The Wolf Man?" 

"If you'd let us explain, we'd be able TO tell you. It's impressive you haven't been fired from your job yet." Ruby said, not happy they haven't been  given a chance to explain

"And what's impressive i the amount of damage you've done to this school!" Grimes scolded. "Well, I am pleased to inform you your suspensions have been lifted."

Fred, Daphne, Ruby, and Velma all shared a glance, knowing something was up.

"Because now you're all expelled!!" Grimes added "And if I catch any of you on school ground ever again, i'll have you all arrested for trespassing."

They all sigh as he walked back into the building and took the blanket that was around Shaggy with him.

"Well, that went well." Velma said with sarcasm in her voice

"Hey, thanks for not letting me go down alone back there." Shaggy said. "No one's ever stood up for me like that before."

"Shag, we're all in this together." Fred said, lightly tapping Shaggy's back

"Yeah." Velma responded. "But unless we can figure out who would want the school closed and why, we'll all be flipping burgers together."

As everyone walked off, Shaggy started thinking of possible suspects. First was the janitor who said he didn't want the job and then there was the librarian who's budget got cut.

"Guys, we got suspects!" Shaggy called out as he ran to catch up with the others

Ruby Rose in Scooby-Doo! The Mystery BeginsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora