Real Connections Chapter 1

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AN: Hello there. This is my first story on Wattpad. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

I closed my suitcase and let out a sigh. I am about to move into my dorm and start my freshman year at Hamilton. So much has changed since I returned from touring the very same college about a year and a half ago. Back then, everything was perfect. My dad was still alive. He meant so much to me. He understood me, and always knew the right things to say. I looked up to him. He was smart and strong, yet gentle and patient. Now he's just... gone.

After a day of touring colleges, my dad and I stopped at a convenience store. I stayed in the car, worn out from the day's activities, while Dad went in. Another car pulled up at the otherwise empty store. I suddenly heard two gunshots and whipped my head around to see two guys jump into the waiting car, and peel out of the parking lot. My eyes snapped back to the store and I didn't see anyone so I ran inside as quick as my legs could carry me.

The men were robbing the store. One of the gunmen had panicked and shot the cashier, then my dad. The cashier survived with minor injuries. The bullet aimed at my dad struck an artery. I did everything I knew to slow the bleeding. Despite my efforts, he died later that night. It hurt like hell.

My dad would have been happy no matter what college I chose. Although Hamilton was his Alma mater and he was (not so) secretly hoping I'd choose it. So here I am, the morning of move in day, enrolled in Hamilton's pre-med program. I look at myself in the mirror, pushing a stray hair away from my eye, trying to push the sad thoughts to the back of my mind.

"Callie! Do you need any help?" my mom said, bringing me back to reality. She was leaning on my door frame, looking equal parts proud and sad.

"No, I am all set." I respond with a smile, hoping to avoid her tears. I love her, but if she starts crying, I might. And I do not want to cry.

"Okay, let's get your bags loaded into the car. I can't believe my baby is going to med school!" mom says, doing a little dance.

"Pre-med first Mom, but I can't believe it either."

"Your dad is proud of you. I know he is, without a doubt." She says before pulling me in for a hug. A short time after, we grab my suitcases and head for the door.


My stomach does a flip as I look up at the large concrete building that is the girl's dorms. It is an old, 3-story building, well taken care of. It fits in with the historical look of the campus. Mom and I each load ourselves with boxes and bags, and head in. We take the stairs to my room on the second floor, passing other freshman with their parents. As I open the door to my dorm, I take it all in. It is considerably large, a good thing since I'll be sharing it with one other person.

A girl with silky blonde hair and blue eyes- a contrast to my dark brown, wavy hair, and light brown eyes- sits on the bed on the left side of the room. She already has a few items decorating her side but not much. As she sees us, she gracefully rises from the bed and flashes a genuine smile.

"Hi! I'm Fiona. You must be my new roomie!" she says warmly.

"I'm Callie, This is my mom".

"Nice to meet you Fiona." My mom says, clearly taking a liking to my new roommate.

My mom stuck around and helped me set up. After we were done, I hugged her tight, not realizing until this moment how much I am going to miss her. She squeezes me back and I hear her sniffle a little.

"Well I'm only a phone call away. Make sure to let me know how you're doing and how your classes are." My mom said, pulling herself together. I'm sure she'll cry in the car; I want to cry myself.

"Bye Fiona, take care of this one." She said, turning to give Fiona a hug.

"Yes ma'am." Fiona responded.

After my mom left there was a brief silence and I focus on rearranging papers on my desk, kicking myself for being shy right now.

"What are you majoring in?" Fiona asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Pre-med. What about you?"

"Social work. I want to be a friendly face in an otherwise crappy situation. What made you want to be a doctor?" she asks.

"I was kind of always interested but, after my dad died, I knew that's what I wanted to do."

"I'm sorry about your dad," she says genuinely, "I lost my mom when I was little. I became mother hen to my older brother and dad. But I knew I didn't want to struggle like we did, so here I am, on a volleyball scholarship."

We quickly find out that we have a lot in common, like our love for zombie movies and pizza. We talk for hours after that, only stopping to go get some food from the student union. Later that night, before I drift off to sleep, I smile a real, happy smile for the first time since my dad passed. 

AN: A little something to get our feet wet. :)

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